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Men's Newsletter
June 22, 2009

In This Issue
• Dad's Genes May Play Greater Role Than Thought
• Longer Hormone Treatment May Improve Prostate Cancer Outlook

Dad's Genes May Play Greater Role Than Thought

MONDAY, June 15 (HealthDay News) -- Biologists say they have discovered a clever packaging scheme that allows the genetic material in sperm to have far more influence over development of a fertilized egg than had been imagined.

The discovery has potential applications in helping infertile men, said Brad Cairns, a professor of oncological sciences at the University of Utah and a leader of the team reporting the finding in the June 14 online edition of Nature.

The vast majority of the DNA molecules that carry genetic information are tightly packaged in sperm cells, Cairns said. That tight packaging enables a win in what is literally a race for life because the first sperm to reach an egg fertilizes it, and the tightest packages are the most streamlined.

"But when it comes to development, the sperm is at a real disadvantage," Cairns said. "The vast majority of their genes are tightly packed in material that is not helpful in giving them full expression."

In every cell other than sperm, DNA molecules are wrapped around structures called histones, an arrangement that allows for easy transmission of their genetic instructions. But only 4 percent of sperm DNA is arranged around histones. The other 96 percent is in a dense, impenetrable material called protamine.

"The hypothesis has been that this 4 percent of DNA in histones is randomly distributed," Cairns said. "We challenged the hypothesis and found that the DNA that is in histones is not randomly distributed but is located at important genes for embryonic development."

The discovery was made by using DNA from sperm at the University of Utah's in vitro fertilization clinic. "We isolated the DNA attached to histones and sequenced it," Cairns said. "We found genes that are important in guiding the development of the embryo."

The discovery raises "obvious questions" about the importance of DNA packaging in sperm on human fertility, he said.

"Do infertile men have problems in packaging, and is that the basis of their problem?" Cairns asked. "We already have preliminary evidence that the majority of infertile men have problems in gene packaging. There is an incorrect ratio of histones to protamine."

Cairns said that the gene packaging issue is related to another biological aspect of DNA expression -- DNA methylation. Some subunits of the DNA molecules ordinarily have molecules called methyl groups attached to them. Lack of methylation can also contribute to infertility, he said.

The Utah group is working on a test that could define the root issues in men with fertility problems, Cairns said. "We are working toward a clinical diagnostic test for infertile men that would assess their packaging and DNA methylation status so that we could counsel them on whether they can have success in achieving fertility," he said.

The concept of possible intervention to improve fertility is much more distant, he said.

From the basic science point of view, one major lesson of the discovery is that DNA is not the only molecule that can carry genetic information from generation to generation, said William G. Kelly, an associate professor of biology at Emory University, whose review article will appear in the same issue of the journal.

What the study shows "is that the histones still sitting there have really important information that actually guides the genes that regulate early events in the development of the next generation," Kelly said.

That idea has been proposed, but "it was not clear that this information could survive the packaging in sperm," he said.

"This firmly shows that information that's there can be information that is passed across generations and that is not encoded in DNA," Kelly said.

More information

The Yale Fertility Center has more on the causes and treatment of infertility  External Links Disclaimer Logo.


Longer Hormone Treatment May Improve Prostate Cancer Outlook

WEDNESDAY, June 10 (HealthDay News) -- Men with moderately advanced prostate cancer who get hormone-blocking drugs after radiation therapy do better when the drug treatment is continued for two or more years after an initial six-month regimen, a European study has found.

The results pretty much mirror those of a similar American trial reported in May, said Dr. Eric M. Horwitz, acting chairman of radiation oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, who led the group that did the U.S. study.

"We have long believed that longer-term hormone therapy is the standard of care," Horwitz said. "These studies support that belief."

The results apply to men whose cancer shows signs of growth but has not spread beyond the prostate gland -- perhaps a quarter of all cases of prostate cancer, Horwitz said.

Earlier studies in the United States and Europe established the value of radiation therapy followed by six months of hormone-blocking treatment in such cases, he said. The new studies were designed to determine whether continuation of drug therapy that blocks the cancer-promoting activity of the male hormone testosterone could improve those results.

Though the studies differed in size and length, their results were similar in most respects.

The European trial, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, included 970 men who were assigned to radiation therapy followed by either six months or three years of hormone-suppressing treatment. The five-year death rate of men in the longer-treatment group was 15.2 percent, compared with 19 percent for those in the shorter-term treatment group.

The U.S. study, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, included 1,554 men who were followed for 10 years. The study found no significant difference in overall survival -- 51.6 percent for the short-term group, given four months of treatment, and 53.9 percent for the long-term group, treated for two years.

But it did find a difference among men who were alive and cancer-free after 10 years. The disease-free survival rate for the short-term group was 13.2 percent, compared with 22.5 percent for those treated longer.

Other measures, such as the spread of cancer to other parts of the body and greater growth of the malignancy within the prostate gland, were consistently better for men in the U.S. study who'd had the longer-term therapy.

Horwitz said that differences between the American and European results were not unexpected. Similar differences had been found in the studies that established the value of the radiation-plus-hormone therapy, he said. One possible explanation, he said, is that prostate cancers tend to be diagnosed at an earlier stage in the United States because of extensive screening programs.

Both studies reported the expected side effects of hormone-blocking therapy, including hot flashes, weight gain, osteoporosis and loss of sexual function.

"Some men get them and some do not," Horwitz said. "Over the last few years, there has been a lot of attention paid to these side effects, in the medical literature and in public awareness, and there has been more reluctance to use this therapy. These studies clearly identify a group of men who benefit from this therapy."

But Dr. Peter C. Albertsen, chairman of urology at the University of Connecticut Health Center, said that it's those side effects that should limit the use of longer hormone-blocking therapy to a specific group of men with prostate cancer -- those with "disease that is clinically evident on palpation [by touching] but with no evidence that it has spread outside the prostate," Albertsen wrote in an accompanying editorial in the journal.

He agreed that earlier forms of the cancer are more often detected in the United States than in Europe because of extensive screening programs. The side effects that balance the benefits of hormone-blocking therapy rule against extended therapy for those men, Albertsen said.

"For men with localized disease that is screening-detected, the equation is quite different," he said.

More information

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more on prostate cancer.
