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QuickTime Audio, MP3 Codec

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Table of Contents
Identification and description
Local use
Sustainability factors
Quality and functionality factors
File type signifiers
Format specifications
Useful references
Format Description Properties
• ID: fdd000111
• Short name: QTA_MP3
• Content categories: sound
• Format category: file format, bitstream encoding
• Last significant update: 2007-08-07
• Draft status: Full

Identification and description Explanation of format description terms

Full nameQuickTime file with MP3 Encoding
DescriptionBitstream encoding and file format designed for efficient distribution of sound files over moderate bandwidth connections, e.g., Apple's iTunes music service; QTA_MP3 may be used at higher data rates for better fidelity.
  Production phase  Generally used for final-state, end-user delivery.
Relationship to other formats 
  Subtype ofQuickTime
  ContainsMP3_ENC bitstream encoding

Local use Explanation of format description terms

LC experience or existing holdingsNone
LC preferenceGeneral preference for recorded sound is WAVE_LCPM. For compressed sound, AAC_M4A or MP3_FF are preferred.

Sustainability factors Explanation of format description terms

DisclosureFully documented. For wrapper, see QuickTime; for bitstream, see MP3_ENC.
  DocumentationSee QuickTime and MP3_ENC.
AdoptionUsed by the Apple iTunes music distribution service; may be in diminished production or discontinued as AAC receives wider use. See also QuickTime and MP3_ENC.
  Licensing and patent claimsSee QuickTime.
TransparencySee QuickTime and MP3_ENC.
Self-documentationSee QuickTime.
External dependenciesFiles from iTunes can be played on an iPod device and as many as five computers authorized by the enduser's agreement; see About Music Store Authorization and Deauthorization.
Technical protection considerationsFiles from iTunes can be played by endusers who use the required Apple ID and Password. The Apple iTunes FairPlay system to protect content is the subject of a Green Paper from the Digital Media research initiative at the Berkman Center of Harvard Law School. See also QuickTime.

Quality and functionality factors Explanation of format description terms

Normal renderingGood support.
Fidelity (support for high audio resolution)See MP3_ENC.
Support for multiple sound channelsSee MP3_ENC.
Support for downloadable or user-defined sounds, samples, and patchesSee MP3_ENC.
Functionality beyond normal renderingSee MP3_ENC.

File type signifiers Explanation of format description terms

Tag typeValueNote
Filename Extensionmp3Reported by an iTunes user; files said to be protected according to iTunes policies.
Internet Media Type None specific identified as of 2004-05-26; see QuickTime.
Audio type tag (QuickTime)0x6D73055Four-character code (as Hex) identifying the MP3 audio codec (CBR only, pre-QT4.1), from QuickTime File Format, p. 103 or p. 109.1
Audio type tag (QuickTime).mp3Four-character code identifying the MP3 audio codec (CBR & VBR, QT4.1 and later), from QuickTime File Format, p. 103 or p. 109.1

Notes Explanation of format description terms


Format specifications Explanation of format description terms

• See QuickTime.

• See MP3_ENC.

Useful references

• See QuickTime and MP3_ENC.


1There seem to have been at least two printings of the specification carrying the same date. These were not systematically compared by the compiler of this Web page. Pagination varies between these two printings.

Last updated: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2007 14:54:13 EDT