USGS - science for a changing world

CALFED - San Joaquin River GW

The 14 bank wells that were installed during the 1987 USGS study were refurbished and first sampled in September 2006. By January 2009 these wells will have been sampled 20 times. The samples have been analyzed monthly for field parameters, water levels, and nutrients and organic carbon. Quarterly analyses have been made for major ions, trace elements, nitrogen gas, and a variety of isotopes.

The installation of 12 in-stream wells was completed in April 2007 and the first samples collected in May 2007. By January 2009 these wells will have been sampled 20 times. In addition to the sampling done at the bank wells, the in-stream wells are instrumented with temperature probes at several depths below the streambed. This data is being used along with the water level data to model the ground water and surface water interaction using heat as a tracer.

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, 06-Jan-2009 18:08:48 EST