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Security Events & Conferences

April 14-16, 2009 - 8th Symposium on Identity and Trust on the Internet (IDtrust 2009)

February 25-28, 2009 - The First SHA-3 Candidate Conference (presentations available on-line)

June 3-4, 2008 - Applications of Pairing Based Cryptography: Identity Based Encryption and Beyond

March 4-6, 2008 - 7th Symposium on Identity and Trust on the Internet (IDtrust 2008)

April 17-19, 2007 - 6th Annual PKI R&D Workshop: Applications-Driven PKI (It's the Apps, Stupid!)

September 19-21, 2006 - Biometric Consortium Conference 2006 (BC2006)

August 24-24, 2006 - Second Cryptographic Hash Workshop (papers and presentations available on-line)

April 4-6, 2006 - 5th Annual PKI R&D Workshop: Making PKI Easy to Use

October 31-November 1, 2005 - Cryptographic Hash Workshop (papers and presentations available on-line)

September 19-21, 2005 - Biometric Consortium Conference 2005