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Get Enough Calcium

Photo of a glass of milk

The Basics

Your body needs calcium to build strong bones.

  • Girls ages 9 to 18 need at least 1,300 mg of calcium every day.
  • Women ages 19 to 50 need at least 1,000 mg of calcium every day.
  • Women over age 50 need at least 1,200 mg every day.

Calcium can help prevent osteoporosis (weak bones).
One out of every two (1 in 2) women and one in four (1 in 4) men over the age of 50 will break a bone in their lifetime because of osteoporosis. Calcium helps to keep your bones strong and less likely to break.

How can I get enough calcium every day?
There are two easy ways to get your calcium:

  1. Eat foods with calcium, such as:
    • Fat–free or low–fat milk and yogurt
    • Spinach and greens
    • Tofu made with calcium
    • Orange juice with added calcium

  2. Take a calcium pill every day. You may choose a pill that has only calcium or a multivitamin with calcium. Talk to your doctor before you take calcium pills.

Take Action!

Three out of every four (3 in 4) women don't get enough calcium. Protect your bones – get plenty of calcium every day.

Figure out how much calcium you are already getting.
Use this calcium calculator to find out if you are getting enough calcium in your diet each day. Remember, women ages 19 to 50 need at least 1,000 mg of calcium each day.

Check the label.
Look for foods high in calcium when you are at the grocery store. Low–fat or fat–free milk products and cereals that have at least 20% DV of calcium are good choices. DV stands for daily value.

Make it easy to remember.
If you take a calcium pill:

  • Take it at the same time every day. For example, try taking it with your breakfast.
  • Leave the pill bottle on the kitchen or bathroom counter where you will see it.

Get enough vitamin D.
Vitamin D helps your body take in calcium. Check this chart to see how much vitamin D you need each day.

Your body makes vitamin D when you are out in the sun. You can also get vitamin D from:

  • Salmon
  • Milk and some yogurt (check the label)
  • Vitamin D pills

Eat healthy.
Along with eating foods high in calcium or taking a calcium pill, it's important for women to eat a healthy diet that has lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods. Calcium is in foods such as low–fat yogurt and spinach. Check out this list of foods with calcium.

What do you want to do today?

  • Snack on unsalted nuts instead of chips.
  • Make a smoothie with low–fat milk, fruit and ice in the blender.
  • If you already take a calcium pill, make it easy to remember. Put a note on your bathroom mirror where you will see it each day.
  • Use this calcium calculator to find out if you are getting enough calcium.
  • Send an e–card to encourage a friend or family member to eat healthy foods.
  • Add foods with calcium to your grocery list such as fat–free milk or yogurt.
  • National Health Information Center

    P.O. Box 1133, Washington, DC 20013-1133