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Opioid Peptides: An Update

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 87 [Printed in 1988]

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Table of Contents


Neuropeptides, A Personalized History-----1
Sidney Udenfriend

Synthesis and Biological Activity of Novel Met-enkephalin Analogs-----10
Krishna B. Mathur; Balaram J. Dhotre; Shubh D. Sharma; Ram Raghubir; Gyanendra K. Patnaik; and Bhola N. Dhawan

Approaches to Studying Structure-Activity Relationships in Peptide Hormones Through the Expression of Synthetic Genes-----20
John W. Taylor

X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Enkephalins and Opiates-----41
Jane F. Griffin and G. David Smith

Conformational Analysis of Cyclic Opioid Peptide Analogs-----60
Peter W. Schiller and Brian C. Wilkes

Conformational Studies of Dermorphin-----74
V. Renugopalakrishnan and Rao S. Rapaka

Use of Molecular Biological Methods to Study Neuropeptides-----83
Michael J. Brownstein

Three Technical Approaches for Cloning Opioid Receptors-----93
Curtis A. Machida; John Salon; David Grandy; James Bunzow; Paul Albert; Eric Hanneman; and Olivier Civelli

Effects of Opioid Peptides on Human Neuroblastoma Cells-----111
Wolfgang Sadee; Victor C. Yu; and Gunther Hochhaus

Analgesia and Neuropeptides-----118
David J. Mayer

Mechanism of Development of Tolerance and Dependence to Opioids in Neuroblastoma x Glioma Hybrid Cells and Mice-----157
Shail K. Sharma; Madhav Bhatia; and Ranju Ralhan

Development of Spinal Substrate for Nociception in Man-----167
Veena Bijlani; Tilat A. Rizvi; and S. Wadhwa

Differential Effects of Opioid Peptides Administered Intracerebrally in Loci of Self-Stimulation Reward of Lateral Hypothalamus and Ventral Tegmental Area-Substantia Nigra-----180
Jitendra Singh and T. Desiraju

Peptides and Thermoregulation-----192
R. Shukla and Bhola N. Dhawan

Endogenous Opioids and Immune Responses: An Experimental Study-----209
P. K. Mediratta; N. Das; V. S. Gupta; and P. Sen

An Update of Selected Topics in the Biology and Chemistry of Opioid Peptides-----217
Rao S. Rapaka; Bhola N. Dhawan; and V. Renugopalakrishnan

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----233

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