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Phencyclidine: An Update

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 64 [Printed in 1986]

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Table of Contents



Characterization of Phencyclidine and Sigma Receptor-Binding Sites in Brain-----1
Andrew L. GundZach, Brian L. Lurgent, and Solomon H. Snyder

Further Evidence of Phencyclidine/Sigma Opioid Receptor Commonality-----14
Ratna Sircar and Stephen R. Zukin

Isolation and Identification of an Endogenous Ligand for the Phencyclidine Receptor-----24
Debora A. DiMaggio, Patricia C. Contreras, Remi Quirion, and Thomas L. O' Donohue

ic Phencyclidine (PCP) Selectively Blocks Certain Presynapt Potassium Channels-----37
Mordecai P. Blaustein, Dieter K. Bartschat, and Roger G. Sorensen

Involvement of Dopaminergic, Cholinergic, and Glutamatergic Mechanisms in the Actions of Phencyclidine-Like Drugs-----52
Kenneth M. Johnson and Lawrence D. Snell

Anticonvulsant Properties of Phencyclidine and Ketamine-----67
Gary G. Buterbaugh and Hillary B. Michelson

Agonistic and Antagonistic Effects of PCP-Derivatives and Sigma Opioids in PCP Behavioral and Receptor Assays-----80
Patricia C. Contreras, Remi Quirion, and Thomas L. O'Donohue

Electroencephalographic (EEG), Psychopharmacological, and Receptor-Binding Profiles of 'Phencyclinoids'-----94
Antonia Mattia, Arthur P. Leccese, Karen L. Marquis, Esam E. El-Fakahany and J. Edward Moreton

Modulation of Phencyclidine (PCP) Pharmacokinetics With PCP-Specific Fab Fragments-----112
S. Michael Owens and Michael Mayersohn

Psychopharmacology of Phencyclidine-----127
Joe Marwah and David K. Pitts

Discriminative Stimulus Properties of PCP Mimetics-----134
Ronald G. Browne

Clinical Implications of Behavioral Pharmacology Research on Phencyclidine-----148
Robert L. Balster

Phencyclidine: Changing Abuse Patterns-----163
Raquel Crider

PCP and Crime: Just Another Illicit Drug?-----174
Eric D. Wish

Neuropsychological Assessment of Phencyclidine Abusers-----190
James E. Lewis and Robert B. Hordan

Phencyclidine Intoxication-----209
Margaret M. McCarron

Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Phencyclidine (PCP) Abuse-----218
David A. Gorelick, Jeffrey N. Wilkins, and Carl Wong

Legal Issues Associated With PCP Abuse--The Role of the Forensic Expert-----229
Steven E. Serner and Richard S. Burns

The Long-Term Effects on Neurodevelopment in Infants Exposed Prenatally to PCP-----237
Judy Howard, Vickie Kropenske, and Rachelle Tyler

Clinical Observations in the Treatment of Adolescent and Young Adult PCP Abusers-----252
David H. Fram and Nancy Stone

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----261

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