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Etiology of Drug Abuse: Implications for Prevention

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 56 [Printed in 1991]

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Table of Contents


The Context and Caveats of Prevention Research on Drug Abuse-----1
Coryl LaRue Jones and Robert J. Battjes

Childhood and the Transition to Adolescence

Familial Antecedents of Adolescent Drug Use: A Developmental Perspective-----13
Diana Baumrind

The Development of Children's Health Orientations and Behaviors: Lessons for Substance Use Prevention-----45
Patricia J. Bush and Ronald J. Iannotti

Childhood Predictors and the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Abuse-----75
J. David Hawkins, Denise Lishner, and Richard F. Catalano, Jr

Correlates and Concepts: Are We Chasing Our Tails?-----127
Milton F. Shore

Research Strategies to Identify Developmental Vulnerabilities for Drug Abuse-----136
Stanley I. Greenspan

The Transition to Young Adulthood

The Etiology and Prevention of Substance Use: What Can We Learn from Recent Historical Changes?-----155
Lloyd D. Johnston

Age of Onset of Drug Use as a Factor in Drug and Other Disorders-----178
Lee N. Robins and Thomas R. Przybeck

Developmental Patterns of the Use of Legal, Illegal, and Medically Prescribed Psychotropic Drugs from Adolescence to Young Adulthood-----193
Denise B. Kandel and Kazuo Yamaguchi

The Prevention of Adolescent Drug Abuse: Implications of Etiological, Developmental, Behavioral, and Environmental Models-----236
David M. Murray and Cheryl L. Perry

Bridging Etiology and Prevention in Drug Abuse Research-----257
Richard Jessor, Discussant

Implications of Etiological Research for Preventive Interventions and Future Research-----269
Robert J. Battjes and Coryl LaRue Jones

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----277

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