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Sigma, PCP, and NMDA Receptors

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 133 [Printed in 1993]

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Table of Contents

Phencyclidine Receptor Binding as a Probe of NMDA Receptor Functioning: Implications for Drug Abuse Research-----1
Stephen R. Zukin and Daniel C. Javitt

Pharmacologic Regulation of the NMDA Receptor-lonophore Complex-----13
Kenneth M. Johnson, Lawrence D. Snell, Aida I. Sacaan, and Susan M. Jones

Pharmacologic Characterizations of Receptors-----41
Tsung-Ping Su

Studies of Receptors and Metabolic Responses to Ligands in the Brain-----55
E. D. London

σ Receptors and Signal Transduction: Negative Modulation of Signaling Through Phosphoinositide-Linked Receptor Systems-----69
Wayne D. Bowen, Paul J. Tolentino, Brian N. Kirschner, Paul Varghese, Brian R. de Costa, and Kenner C. Rice

σ and Phencyclidine Receptors in the Brain-Endocrine-Immune Axis-----95
Seth A. Wolfe, Jr., and Errol B. De Souza

A Role for Binding in the Antipsychotic Profile of BMY 14802?-----125
Duncan P. Taylor, Michael S. Eison, Sandra L. Moon, R. Francis Schlemmer, Jr., Umesh A. Shukla, Cam P. VanderMaelen, Frank D. Yocca, Dennis J. Gallant, Susan H. Behling, Christopher G. Boissard, John P. Braselton, Houston H. Davis, Jr., Marlene N. Duquette, Raymond C. Lamy, Judith M. Libera, Elaine Ryan, and Robert N. Wright

Molecular Biology of PCP and NMDA Receptors-----159
Leslie Kushner, Michael V.L. Bennett, and R. Suzanne Zukin

Excitatory Amino Acid Neurotoxicity in the Developing Brain-----185
John W. McDonald and Michael V. Johnston

Isolation and Characterization of an Endogenous Ligand for the PCP and Receptors From Porcine, Rat, and Human Tissue-----207
Patricia C. Contreras, Nancy M. Gray, Debora A. DiMaggio, Margaret E. Bremer, and Julie A. Bussom

Summary and Future Directions-----223
Edward F. Domino

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