United States Senate Committee on
Commerce, Science & Transportation
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Executive Session
Full Committee

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
02:30 PM
SR - 253
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During the Executive Session, Committee members will markup the following legislation, nominations, and other bills that may become available*:

S.1274, the American Communities’ Right to Public Information Act

S. 1451, the Federal Aviation Administration Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act

A bill to extend programs authorized by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)

Nomination of Polly Trottenberg, to be Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy of the United States Department of Transportation (PN 549)

Nomination of Deborah A.P. Hersman, to be Chairman and Member (Reappointment) of the National Transportation Safety Board (PN 621 and PN 622)

Nomination of Richard A. Lidinsky, Jr., to be Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission (PN 623)

Nomination of Ms. Meredith Attwell Baker, to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission (PN 669)

Nomination of Ms. Mignon L. Clyburn, to be a Member of the Federal Communications Commission (PN 670)

*Not necessarily in order of consideration


Majority Statements
John D. Rockefeller, IV

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