Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

August 30, 2005

Conrad Unveils Plans for National Ag Summit

Senator Will Convene Leaders to Discuss Future Course of Ag Policy

Fargo -- Citing growing challenges to current U.S. farm policy, Senator Kent Conrad announced today that he is holding a national conference in North Dakota this fall on the future of agriculture.

"Every day our farmers and ranchers face challenges from new trade threats to agricultural budget cuts to changing strategies by our competitors," Senator Conrad said. "Agriculture is North Dakota's top industry. We need a strategy to fight back, and that's why this conference is so important."

Senator Conrad's conference, "21st Century Farm Policy: Challenges and Opportunities," will be organized in partnership with North Dakota State University's Center for Agricultural Policy and Trade Studies. It will be held Oct. 30-31 in Fargo.

The conference will bring together agriculture leaders from across the United States in order to identify policies that will promote and create future opportunities for family farmers and ranchers and enhance economic growth and the quality of life in rural America.

Topics to be discussed during the two-day conference include: World Trade Organization negotiations and other international trade issues; the implications of growing federal budget deficits for farm programs; and how to craft a future farm policy that responds to these challenges while fostering a vibrant and prosperous rural economy.

From his position on the Senate Agriculture Committee, Senator Conrad has a record of authoring legislation to support the future of agriculture and our nation's rural communities. He took a lead role in the negotiations of the 2002 Farm Bill and successfully ensured the legislation provided improved counter-cyclical support for commodities, enhanced conservation programs, additional investments in rural community development, and improved nutritional programs.

"This forum will serve as an opportunity for those involved in agriculture to meet with national experts to discuss the future of agriculture policy and its effect on our farmers, ranchers and rural communities," Senator Conrad said. "Together, we will work to chart a new future for agriculture policy for North Dakota and the nation."