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Industry Clusters and In-Demand Occupations
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Career Voyages Industry Clusters

Career Voyages is part of a strategic effort to prepare workers to take advantage of new and increasing job opportunities in the in-demand and economically vital sectors of the American economy. Fields like health care, information technology, and advanced manufacturing have jobs and solid career paths left untaken due to a lack of people qualified to fill them.

Career Voyages features industry clusters and occupations within those clusters that meet the following criteria:

  1. they are projected to add substantial numbers of new jobs to the economy or affect the growth of other industries; or
  2. they are existing or emerging businesses being transformed by technology and innovation requiring new skills sets for workers.

While the economy normally goes through cycles of growth and contraction, these are long-term ten year projections based on the research done at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In-Demand Occupations

Career Voyages highlights specific occupations within each industry that have the most demand. These occupations are selected using the Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) Industry output and employment projections, which is produced twice a year and projects future trends over a ten year period (currently 2006-2016).

The occupations are selected according to a three step process:

  1. The occupations are sorted according to projected percentage growth and all zero or negative growth occupations are removed.
  2. The remaining occupations are then sorted by those that have the highest overall demand according to the total job openings due to growth and net replacements.
  3. A third and final sort then takes place based on just the job openings due to growth. This final sort allows us to emphasize those occupations for which new growth alone is high.

The occupations are then sorted by industry. While many occupations fall easily into specific industries (e.g. nurses are in health care), some occupations are cross-industry in nature (e.g. computer support specialists). For more information on occupations that fall into this category, go to our Multi-Industry Occupations page.

Finally, the list of occupations in each industry is sorted by highest to lowest projected total job openings due to growth and net replacements. Each industry differs in the total number of jobs available. For example, health care has a large number of occupations with a large demand for all of them, while occupations in Biotechnology, which is still emerging and growing, have a comparatively smaller demand.

Career Voyages attempts to provide the best objective data, but subjective judgments must be made in some instances. If you have additional questions or comments, you may contact us at: career.voyages at*.

*Note: The email address is not clickable as a spam-prevention measure.

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