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NIAID Supplements Through the Economic Recovery Act

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NIAID is using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 to add funds to some existing grants.

Initially, we have decided to spend $15 million -- $5 million for each NIAID division -- in FY 2009 and in FY 2010 on administrative supplements, which add funds to grants without having to go through peer review.

We are not funding competing supplements except as described below.

NIH Administrative Supplements

NIH issued two ARRA administrative supplement notices: NOT-OD-09-056, the general notice, and NOT-OD-09-060, the notice for summer interns, which has expired.

For NOT-OD-09-056, you may qualify if you meet the following requirements:

  • Your project has no significant unexpended balances.
  • You can demonstrate your ability to spend the money, meet the goals of the Recovery Act, and meet the special reporting requirements. See Eligibility and Selection for NIAID's ARRA Funds.

The strongest requests will meet the Recovery Act's intent as well as help you accomplish your Specific Aims and speed discovery.

How NIAID's Administrative Supplements Differ From NIH's

NIAID's approach for ARRA administrative supplements under NOT-OD-09-056 differs somewhat from NIH's, including for grant types and funding policies.

We have limits for equipment purchases, but otherwise, there is no limit to how much you can request. Most ARRA equipment supplements have a limit of $100,000. However, you may be able to request more if you are the only PI who will use the equipment and you fully justify your request.

For larger requests, you may want to consider a competing supplement (revision) -- go to Details on NIAID's ARRA Competing Supplements.

When prioritizing requests, we'll consider whether you can show results by the end of your grant and the appropriateness of the purchase to the two-year funding period.

Regarding timing a request toward the end of your grant, keep the following in mind:

  • You can get a supplement only if you have time remaining on the grant or you can process a no-cost extension to extend the award.
  • If you have only a few months remaining before the grant ends and cannot do a no-cost extension, we cannot give you a supplement because we will not have enough time to process your request in time for you to spend money productively.
  • If you have money left over and need a no-cost extension, you may request a supplement during that time.

We are not considering requests to restore budget adjustments or override institutional commitments, for example, to support workers.

If you are thinking about requesting a supplement, talk to your program officer and read the Administrative Supplements to Grants and Cooperative Agreements SOP.

For instructions, eligibility, and other general information, go to Details on NIAID's ARRA Administrative Supplements.

Competing Supplements

NIAID is participating in NCRR's Competitive Revision Applications only.

We are not accepting applications for other ARRA competing supplements. Go to Details on NIAID's ARRA Competing Supplements.

Contact Information

For scientific or technical questions, contact your program officer. For administrative questions, contact your grants management specialist.

For peer review information about NIAID competing supplements, please contact:

Gary Madonna
Scientific Review Officer
Division of Extramural Affairs
Telephone: 301-496-3528

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The information on this page is specific to NIAID. For NIH-level information, see NIH and the ARRA, which includes NIH-wide Grant Funding Opportunities Supported by ARRA. For other institutes, see Institutes, Centers, and Offices.

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