National Institute on Aging
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Funds for Administrative Supplements

NIA UPDATE: Report on Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements

NIA is cancelling the opportunity to seek new ARRA administrative supplements in FY 2010

The National Institutes of Health announced (NOT-OD-09-056) the opportunity for investigators and institutions with active NIH Research Project Grants (and some other categories of award) to request administrative supplements for the purpose of increasing the tempo of approved and funded projects. Support for these supplements is coming from funds available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The purpose of the program is to provide researchers supplementary funds that can be used to accelerate the tempo of scientific research on active grants with the ultimate goal of promoting job creation and economic development along with accelerating the pace of scientific research. Supplements could request up to two years of support.

Across the three submission dates offered in 2009 (May 1, June 1, and July 1) NIA has received 996 requests for supplemental support. Across all grant mechanisms up to $19.5 million (across two years) will be awarded to support these requests. With average requested costs around $230,000, NIA expects a success rate below 10%. That success rate will be of a similar order of magnitude to success rates for other ARRA initiatives. Final decisions on funding these supplements are expected in mid-August.

Because of this overwhelming demand NIA is canceling the opportunity to submit new Recovery Act administrative supplement requests in FY 2010. NIA expects that some administrative supplement funding will be available through conventional funds to respond to particular events that may happen in FY 2010. Similarly NIA will continue to support diversity supplements in FY 2010. Grantees may contact individual program staff to explore these opportunities if an identified need arises.

Page last updated Aug 10, 2009