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Prepare for an Emergency

photo of a sign reading 'evacuation route'

The Basics

Planning ahead can keep you and your family safe if a flood, fire, flu pandemic (pandemic means a global outbreak), terrorist attack, or other public health emergency strikes. Take steps today to make sure you and your family are prepared.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Get an emergency supply kit.
  • Make a family emergency plan.
  • Be informed.

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Take Action!

Don't wait – make a plan for your family today.

Make an emergency supply kit.
Gather supplies like water, medicines, and blankets. Keep your emergency supplies together in a backpack, bag, or easy–to–carry container. Use a waterproof container if possible.

Print out this emergency supply kit checklist [PDF – 208 KB] to get started. Make sure your kit includes:

Make a plan.
It’s important to make a plan in case your family is not together when disaster strikes. Consider a plan where each family member calls the same friend or relative if there is an emergency.

Print out this Family Emergency Plan [PDF – 645 KB]. Sit down together and fill it out.

Be informed.
Learn about the disasters that might happen in your area and decide how you will take action.

What do you want to do today?

  • Sit down with your family tonight and make a family emergency plan [PDF – 645 KB].
  • Find emergency preparedness resources in your area.
  • Start to gather supplies for an emergency supply kit [PDF – 208 KB].

  • Note:  Documents in PDF format require the Adobe Acrobat Reader®.
    If you experience problems with PDF documents, please download the latest version of the Reader®.

    National Health Information Center

    P.O. Box 1133, Washington, DC 20013-1133