Jim DeMint
U.S. Senator, South Carolina
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Second Annual “SC on the Move” Tour
08/09/2006 - 02:09:43 PM
I am excited to travel around South Carolina for the next two and one-half weeks for my second annual "South Carolina on the Move" tour. It is a real privilege to be able to recognize standout groups and individuals who are on the forefront of innovation, economic development and community service.

As I travel, I know folks want to know what we have done in Congress to secure our homeland, to lower their cost of living and to protect the values that have made us strong and unique as a nation. But what I really look forward to is getting input from constituents about what we can do to secure their future and to give them hope that their children and grandchildren will live safe and prosperous lives.

I’ll be meeting with constituents, community leaders and law enforcement officials, visiting outstanding businesses and hospitals, and conducting a Hurricane Preparedness Hearing. I’ll also be hosting several grants workshops, to help South Carolina organizations learn how to access federal funds that can improve our communities.

I’ll be stopping in over 20 cities along the way. And although it’s an ambitious schedule – especially in good ol’ South Carolina summer heat - I’m anxious to focus on the positive things the people of South Carolina are doing to secure our homeland, prosperity and values. We have so many reasons to be hopeful and optimistic…and I’m glad to be able to get out of Washington and focus on the everyday citizens who are keeping South Carolina - and our nation - on the move.

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