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Lower Your Risk of Falling

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The Basics

More than 1 in 3 older adults falls each year. For people age 65 and older, falling can cause serious injuries and health problems. Older adults usually fall during everyday activities like turning or walking up stairs.

Taking steps to prevent falls will improve your physical and mental health. You don’t have to be afraid of falling.

  • Exercise to improve your balance and leg strength.
  • Ask your doctor to review your medicines. Some medicines can make you dizzy.
  • Get your eyes checked. Your eyeglass prescription may need to be changed.
  • Make your home safer. Pick up books and papers from the floor and stairs.

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Start Today: Small Steps
  • Sign up for an exercise class.
  • Put double–sided tape under small rugs to hold them in place.
  • Take this quiz to check your understanding of falling and older adults.

Learn more about getting a bone density test.

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