Alaska Contaminant and Tissue Archival Program - animals shown are black-legged kittiwake, thick-billed murre, beluga whale, polar bear, and walrus.
Methods and Materials
Summary and the Future
AMMTAP Bibliography
AMMTAP Partners and Collaborators
AMMTAP Contact Information
STAMP - Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Program
Colonies sampled for STAMP
Preliminary data for STAMP
STAMP Bibliography
STAMP Partners and Collaborators
STAMP Contact Information
NBSB - National Biomonitoring Specimen Bank
NMMTB Tissue Sample Inventory

AMMTAP - Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project

The objectives of AMMTAP are to collect tissue samples from Alaska marine mammals and to store these samples under the best conditions so that they can be analyzed in the future for environmental contaminants.  The role of specimen banking in research and monitoring enables future investigators to extend their research into the past (hind casting) and provides for future verification of analytical results (quality assurance).

STAMP - Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project

The objectives of STAMP are to collect specimens from representative Alaskan colonial seabirds suitable for determining levels of organic and inorganic contaminants and to transport, catalog, and archive samples in conditions that are suitable for long-term storage and eventual contaminant analyses.

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Last Reviewed: August 3, 2006