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Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines

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Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
24 CFR Part 100
[Docket No. N-91-2011; FR 2665-N-06]
Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines
Final Guidelines

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD.

ACTION: Notice of Adoption of Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines -- Final Guidelines.

SUMMARY: This document presents guidelines adopted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide builders and developers with technical guidance on how to comply with the specific accessibility requirements of the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. Issuance of this document follows consideration of public comment received on proposed accessibility guidelines published in the Federal Register on June 15, 1990. The guidelines presented in this document are intended to provide technical guidance only, and are not mandatory. The guidelines will be codified in the 1991 edition of the Code of Federal Regulations as Appendix II to the Fair Housing regulations (24 CFR Ch. I, Subch. A, App. II). The preamble to the guidelines will be codified in the 1991 edition of the Code of Federal Regulations as Appendix III to the Fair Housing regulations (24 CFR Ch. I, Subch. A, App. III).

EFFECTIVE DATE: March 6, 1991

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cheryl Kent, Special Advisor for Disability Policy, Office of Enforcement, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, 451 Seventh St., S.W. Washington, DC 20410, telephone (202) 708-2333, Ext.7058 (voice) or (202) 708-1734 (TTY). (These are not toll-free numbers.)


  1. Adoption of Final Guidelines
  2. Statutory and Regulatory Background
  3. Proposed Accessibility Guidelines
  4. Public Comments and Commenters
  5. Discussion of Principal Public Comment Issues, and
    Section-by-Section Analysis of the Final Guidelines
    1. Discussion of General Comments on the Guidelines ANSI Standard.
    2. Section-by-Section Analysis of Final Guidelines
    3. Discussion of Comments on Related Fair Housing
      Issues Compliance Deadline
  6. Other Matters

    Codification of Guidelines

    Regulatory Impact Analysis
    Environmental Impact
    Executive Order 12606, The Family
    Executive Order 12611, Federalism
    Section 1. Introduction
    Section 2. Definitions
    Section 3. Fair Housing Act Design and Construction Requirements
    Section 4. Application of the Guidelines
    Section 5. Guidelines


Content current as of 12 July 2006   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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