USGS - science for a changing world

Biology - Ecosystems

Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)

(From the Environmental Impact Statement) The U.S. Outer Continental Shelf consists of the submerged lands, subsoil, and seabed in a specified zone up to 200 nautical miles or more offshore from U.S. coasts.

The Ecosystems Program funds outer continental shelf research primarily through its partnership with the Minerals Management Service (MMS).

Listed below are examples of research projects available online and general information from USGS about outer continental shelves.


  • Outer Continental Shelf Ecosystems Program: The Pinnacles Project. Download the File. (336 KB, PDF) (Gulf of Mexico) (FISC)


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Research Highlight

Open File report coverCharacterization of Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Hard Bottom Communities with Emphasis on Lophelia Coral - Lophelia Reef Megafaunal Community Structure, Biotopes, Genetics, Microbial Ecology, and Geology (2004-2006) - The project focuses on understanding community structure, function, trophodynamics, genetics and microbial ecology within Lophelia (coral) communities and adjacent deep water habitats in the Gulf of Mexico. These efforts are being initiated at the request of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) and were designed to complement an anticipated MMS-funded competitive procurement titled "Continued Investigation of Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Hard Bottom Communities with Emphasis on Lophelia Coral." The separate but integrated USGS and MMS studies will collectively and cooperatively address important ecological issues including resilience, connectivity, and diversity of deep-sea coral communities.

For product and ordering information, visit the final report at the


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In the Spotlight

Image of Lophelia coral USGS DISCOVRE Expedition: Diversity, Systematics, and Connectivity of Vulnerable Reef Ecosystems -
The 4-year multidisciplinary research program will focus on understanding the physical oceanography, biology, ecology, genetic connectivity, and trophodynamics of deep coral environments in the Gulf of Mexico (300-1000 m depths), both within natural and artificial (shipwreck) sites. Cruise 2008 is Underway - Read Daily Ship's Blogs

Partnership in Action

Image of Alaskan waters US Geological Survey Deepwater Program: Lophelia II: Continuing Ecological Research on Deep-Sea Corals and Deep Reef Habitats in the Gulf of Mexico (2008-2011) - USGS and University of North Carolina scientists and collaborators to study Gulf of Mexico Deep Coral (Lophelia) Communities in partnership with the Minerals Management Service, representing six components of a project funded by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) involving marine scientists from the USGS, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW), and other collaborators from summer of 2008 and continuing through 2011.  Learn More >

Additional Resources




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