[Corps Logo] Coastal wetlands, Planning, Protection and Restoration act CWPPRA Logo
 Louisiana Coastal
 CWPPRA links:
 LA Coast 
 (Official CWPPRA site)
 OCRM's General Restoration Projects List (State and Federal)
 Louisiana DNR OCRM Coast 2050/LCA
 Louisiana DNR OCRM
 USGS - National Wetlands Research Center

View USACE CWPPRA Projects by Parish

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act program (CWPPRA or "Breaux Act") provides for targeted funds to be used for planning and implementing projects that create, protect, restore and enhance wetlands in coastal Louisiana. It was passed in 1990, and is authorized until 2019. By July 2008, 145 active CWPPRA projects have been approved, 74 have been constructed, 17 are under construction, and 26 have been de-authorized or transferred to another program. The CWPPRA program anticipates receiving $84M in Federal funds for FY09 and is managed by the CWPPRA Task Force.

 The Task Force is composed of the State of Louisiana and five Federal agencies: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities represents the state of Louisiana.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers administers accounting and tracks project status of all CWPPRA projects. Project Status Reports of all approved CWPPRA projects and projects in progress may be found below. The USACE also constructs those approved CWPPRA projects whenever the USACE is assigned lead agency for that project. All other projects are constructed by one of four other Federal agencies. Websites links are listed below including the official LACOAST CWPPRA site).

The Task Force manages the CWPPRA program including project selection and construction is composed of following members:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chair, Colonel Al Lee
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Jim Boggs
Natural Resource Conservation Service Kevin Norton
Environmental Protection Agency William Honker
National Marine Fisheries Service Christopher Doley
The State of Louisiana, Governor’s Office Garret Graves
To address projected future loss of coastal Louisiana larger projects with more ecosystem-scale impacts must be constructed which exceeds the funding capacity and authorization period of CWPPRA. Therefore the Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA) initiative began in 2001, which seeks future Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) authorization to address the need for future funding of large scale coastal Restoration. (LCA site ).


 Additional Information:

Organizational Structure,
Responsibilities & Contact Information

(Including Phone, Addresses & Email of Official Participants.)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mailing List
Notification Preference/Change of Address

(Please email to Scott.F.Wandell@usace.army.mil)

  • CWPPRA Task Force Meetings Binder Documents
  2003 2004
  - January - January
  - April - April
  - August - August
  - November - October
  2005 2006
  - February - February
  - May - April
  - July - July
  - November - October
  2007 2008
  - February - February
  - May - June
  - June - November
  - October  
  - January  
  - June  
  • CWPPRA Technical Committee Meetings Binder Documents
    (turn off any pop-up blocking software)
  2003 2004
  - July - March
  - September - July
  - December - September
    - December
  2005 2006
  - March - March
  - June - June
  - October - September
  - December - December
  2007 2008
  - March - January
  - May - April
  - September - October
    - December
  - April  
  - September  


U.S Army Corps of Engineers Land loss Maps 1932-2001
(For best results, Right-Click the links below and save them to your local machine. These file are large in size.)
New Orleans Area
Black Bay Area
Terrebonne Bay

Mississippi River Delta
Cameron Area
White Lake Area
Morgan City Area


CWPPRA Program Manager:
Melanie Goodman
New Orleans, LA

Scott Wandell
New Orleans, LA

Updated Oct 14 , 2009