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July, 2009

Sarasi Jayaratne
Inspired by a tragedy, Sarasi saw an opportunity to help kids less fortunate than herself by providing them with books. She started the Keep Reading Foundation and now sends thousands of books each year to Sri Lanka, a country destroyed by a tsunami (SOO-nah-mee). Check out her interview to see how she started and where she’s headed.

May, 2009

Tara Suri
Inspired by the poverty and sexism she saw in India, at age thirteen, Tara Suri started H.O.P.E., or Helping Orphans Pursue Education. She started out small — holding bake sales, making bracelets, and even recycling used soda cans — but her idea was big.

Now seventeen years old, she’s turned that organization into something bigger: Turn Your World Around. Together with others, she’s raised over $50,000 to make the world a better place and engage hundreds in activism.

March, 2009

Mia Toledo
What Makes You Beautiful?
Mia Toledo’s love of dancing and acting keep her busy.  Her “fearless” attitude helps give her the confidence she needs. When she was recognized by New Moon magazine as one of their 25 Most Beautiful Girls, she caught our eye too! Find out what advice she gives girls just like you.

January, 2009

Hives for Lives
Helping Bee-T Cancer
Wanting to do something after their grandfather died of cancer, Molly and Carly thought their knowledge of beekeeping would help them raise money for a great cause. They put their heads together and came up with Hives for Lives and have raised over $150,000 towards a cure for cancer! Get inspired to turn your interests into passions with their story.

Content last updated April 1, 2009

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
