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November 17

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Status of U.S. Forces.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



General Peter J. Schoomaker

Chief of Staff

United States Army


Admiral Vernon E. Clark

Chief of Naval Operations

United States Navy


General John P. Jumper (pdf)

Chief of Staff of the Air Force

United States Air Force


General Michael W. Hagee (pdf)

Commandant of the Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps



September 29

The Full Committee will mark up the provisions of H.R. 10 that fall within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Armed Services – To provide for reform of the intelligence community, terrorism prevention and prosecution, border security, and international cooperation and coordination, and for other purposes.


September 21
The Full Committee and Members of the Helsinki Commission will hold an Issue Forum on Enforcing U.S. Policies Against Trafficking in Persons:  How is the U.S. Military Doing? 

Panel I:

Charles S. Abell (pdf)

Principal Deputy

Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness


General Leon J. LaPorte (pdf)


United States Forces Korea


Joseph E. Schmitz (pdf)

Inspector General

Department of Defense


Ambassador John R. Miller (pdf)


Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Department of State


Panel II:

Dr. Sarah Mendelson (pdf)

Senior Fellow

Center for Strategic and International Studies


Martina E. Vandenberg (pdf)


Jenner and Block



September 9

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the investigation of military intelligence activities at Abu Ghraib prison facility.  


General Paul J. Kern (pdf)

Appointing Officer

United States Army


Lieutenant General Anthony R. Jones

Lead Investigator

United States Army


Major General George R. Fay

Investigating Officer

United States Army



September 9  

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Final Report of the Independent Panel to Review Department of Defense Detention Operations. 


Honorable James R. Schlesinger (pdf)


Independent Panel to Review Department of Defense Detention Operations


The Honorable Harold Brown (pdf)

Panel Member



September 8

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the performance of U.S. military service members in Iraq and Afghanistan.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Colonel Michael Linnington

Former Brigade Commander

101st Airborne Division, United States Army


Captain Patrick Costello

Former ADA

101st Airborne Division United States Army,


Lieutenant Colonel Bryan P. McCoy

Former Commander

3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, United States Marine Corps


Captain Morgan Savage

Former Company Commander

3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment United States Marine Corps


Lieutenant Colonel Jeffery A. Springman

FA 3-29 FA. DS to 3 BCT, 4 ID

United States Army



August 11

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the implications of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission on the Department of Defense.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Lieutenant General William E. Odom, USA (Ret.) (pdf)

Senior Fellow

The Hudson Institute


Honorable John J. Hamre (pdf)

President and Chief Executive Officer

The Center for Strategic and International Studies


Dr. Lowell Wood (pdf)

Senior Scientist

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory



August 11

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the implications of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission on the Department of Defense.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Transcript: link

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Stephen A. Cambone (pdf)

Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence


Vice Admiral Lowell E. Jacoby


Defense Intelligence Agency


Major General Raymond T. Odierno, USA

Former Commander

Fourth Infantry Division



August 10

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Denying Terrorist Sanctuaries:  Policy and Operational Implications for the U.S. Military. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Transcript: link

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Paul D. Wolfowitz (pdf)

Deputy Secretary of Defense


General Peter Pace, USMC

Vice Chairman

Joint Chiefs of Staff


General Bryan D. Brown, USA


U.S. Special Operations Command



August 10

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)       

·        Transcript: link

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Thomas H. Kean (pdf)


National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States


Honorable Lee H. Hamilton (pdf)

Vice Chairman

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States



July 22

The Strategic Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Space Cadre/ Space Professionals.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Everett’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Panel 1:

Honorable Peter B. Teets (pdf)

Undersecretary of Air Force, Space

General Lance Lord, United States Air Force (pdf)


Air Force Space Command


Lieutenant General Larry J. Dodgen, United States Army (pdf)

Commander, Space and Missile Defense Command


Vice Admiral James McArthur, United States Navy (pdf)


Navy Network Warfare Command


Brigadier General John Thomas, United States Marine Corps (pdf)

Deputy Commandant for Command, Control, Communications and Computers


Panel 2:

Dr.  Robert Calico (pdf)

Provost Engineering and Management Department

Air Force Institute of Technology


Captain Dan Bursch, United States Navy (pdf)

Associate Dean of Graduate School Engineering and Applied Sciences

Naval Postgraduate School


Mr. John Douglass (pdf)

President and CEO

Aerospace Industries


Dr. Pamela Shockley-Zalabak (pdf)


University of Colorado at Colorado Springs


Dr. Victoria Coverstone (pdf)

Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineer

University of Illinois



 July 22

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Dr. William R. Graham


Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack

Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack (pdf)



July 21

The Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Small Business Innovation and Technology. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Weldon’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Panel 1:

Mr. Nick Karangelen

President and CEO

Trident Systems, Inc.


Ms. Heidi Jacobus

Chairman and CEO

Cybernet Systems Corporation


Mr. Bill Broderick

Chief Financial Officer

Analytical Graphics, Inc.

Joint Statement - (pdf)


Panel 2:

Mr. Anthony Mulligan (pdf)


Advanced Ceramics Research


Mr. Enrique Enriquez (pdf)


Locust USA, Inc.


Mr. Tom Cuda (pdf)

Vice President and General Manager

VISTA Controls, Inc.


Mr. Richard Hollis (pdf)

President and CEO

Hollis-Eden Pharmaceuticals


Mr. Greg Peterson (pdf)

Chairman and CEO

SecuriMetrics, Inc.


Dr. Alexander Stoyen (pdf)


21st Century Systems, Inc.



July 21

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Army Transformation: Implications for the Future, Part II. 


General Peter J. Schoomaker, United States Army (pdf)

Chief of Staff

U. S. Army


Lieutenant General Benjamin S. Griffin, United States Army

Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8


Lieutenant General John M. Curran, United States Army

Deputy Commanding General

Futures, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command



July 20

The Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Special Operations Command Personnel Issues.


CMSgt Robert V. Martens Jr., United States Air Force (pdf)

Senior Enlisted Advisor

U. S. Special Operations Command


CSM Michael T. Hall, United States Army

Senior Enlisted Advisor

U. S. Army Special Operations Command


FORMC Clell Breining, USN

Senior Enlisted Advisor

Naval Special Warfare Command


CMSgt. Howard J. Mowry, United States Air Force

Senior Enlisted Advisor

Air Force Special Operations Command


Colonel Kenneth J. Cull, United States Army (pdf)

Director of Manpower & Personnel (J1)

U.S. Special Operations Command 



July 20

The Readiness Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Depot Maintenance—Capacity and Resources for Future Work.


Major General Mitchell Stevenson, United States Army

Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics and Operations

U.S. Army Materiel Command

Department of the Army               


Mr. Gary Motsek (pdf)

Deputy G3 for Support Operations

U.S. Army Materiel Command, Department of the Army


Rear Admiral Mark A. Hugel, United States Navy (pdf)

Deputy Director

Fleet Readiness Division, Department of the Navy


Lieutenant General Donald J. Wetekam, United States Air Force (pdf)

Deputy Chief of Staff, Installations and Logistics

Department of the Air Force


Lieutenant General Richard L. Kelly, USMC (pdf)

Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics

U. S. Marine Corps



July 15 

The Full Committee will meet to mark-up the following legislation:  H. Res. 689 – Of inquiry requesting the President and directing certain other Federal officials to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution documents in the possession of the President and those officials relating to the treatment of prisoners or detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Guantanamo Bay. Also, H. Con. Res. 472 – Expressing the sense of Congress that the apprehension, detention, and interrogation of terrorists are fundamental elements in the successful prosecution of the Global War on Terrorism and the protection of the lives of United States citizens at home and abroad.


July 15

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Army Transformation: Implications for the Future.

  • Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)


General Jack Keane, United States Army (ret.)


Major General Robert Scales, United States Army (ret.) (pdf)


Colonel Douglas Macgregor, PhD, United States Army (ret.) (pdf)


Mr. Patrick Towell (pdf)

Visiting Fellow

Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments



July 12  

Issue Forum

The Full Committee, led by Rep. Michael Turner (R-OH), will hold an Issue Forum to discuss the success of the Dayton Peace Accords in bringing stability and democracy to Bosnia, with a focus on lessons learned about U.S. military force structure, doctrine and tactics in the Bosnia peace-keeping missions.


Major General Virgil Packett, United States Army (pdf)


Stabilization Force


Major General James Darden, United States Army Reserve (pdf)

Deputy Director

Plans and Policy, U.S. European Command


Ambassador Mirza Kusljugic (pdf)

Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations


Ambassador Igor Davidovic (pdf)

Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United States



July 8

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the economic, technology, vocational and skills implications of Department of Defense trade offsets.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Katherine V. Schinasi (pdf)

Managing Director

Acquisition and Sourcing Management Team, General Accounting Office


Dr. Charles W. Wessner (pdf)


Program on Technology & Innovation, National Academy of Sciences


Stanley Sorscher (pdf)

Labor Representative

Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace



July 7

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Army and Marine Corps troop rotations for Operation Iraqi Freedom 3 and Operation Enduring Freedom 6 and the mobilization of the Army’s Individual Ready Reserve.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable David S. C. Chu (pdf)

Under Secretary of Defense

Personnel and Readiness


Lieutenant General Norton A. Schwartz, United States Air Force (pdf)

Director of Operations (J-3), Joint Chiefs of Staff


General Richard A. Cody, USA (pdf)

Vice Chief of Staff

Department of the Army


Lieutenant General Jan C. Huly, United States Marine Corps (pdf)

Deputy Commandant of the Marine Corps, Plan, Policies, and Operations



June 25

The Full Committee will hold an Issue Forum entitled: Impact of Guard and Reserve Deployments on Employers (not broadcast due to audio difficulties)



Mr. Jeffrey Crowe

U.S. Chamber of Commerce


Mr. Harold P. Coxson, Jr. Ogletree, Deakins

Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.


Mr. Bobby G. Hollingsworth

Office of the Secretary of Defense

Office of Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve


Major General Larry Shellito

Minnesota National Guard


Major General R. Martin Umbarger

Adjutant General of Indiana


Brigadier General Denny Schulstad

Retired Minnesota Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserves



June 24

The Readiness Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on contractor support in the Department of Defense.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Michael Wynne (pdf)

Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition and Technology

Department of Defense 


Honorable John Young, Jr. (pdf)

Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development & Acquisition)

Department of the Navy


Honorable Marbin R. Sambur (pdf)

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition)

Department of the Air Force


Ms. Tina Ballard (pdf)

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Policy and Procurement)

Department of Army



June 24

The Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Department of Defense small-caliber ammunition programs.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Weldon’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Panel 1:

Major General Burford C. Blount, III, United States Army (pdf)

Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3

United States Army


Brigadier General Paul S. Izzo, United States Army (pdf)

Program Executive Officer

Ammunition, United States Army


Brigadier General James Rafferty, United States Army (pdf)

Deputy Commander

Joint Munitions Command, United States Army


Panel 2:

Mr. Richard Palaschak (pdf)

Director of Operations

Munitions Industrial Base Task Force


Mrs. Karen Davies (pdf)


Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Alliant Techsystems



June 23

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the United States Global Defense Footprint. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Douglas J. Feith (pdf)

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Department of Defense


Lieutenant General James E. Cartwright, USMC
Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr.

Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Department of State


Ray Dubois

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment

Department of Defense



June 22

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Progress in Iraq.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)  

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



General Peter Pace, United States Marine Corps

Vice Chairman

Joint Chiefs of Staff


Honorable Paul D. Wolfowitz (pdf)

Deputy Secretary of Defense

Department of Defense



June 17

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on training of Iraqi security forces. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Lieutenant General David H. Petraeus, United States Army

Chief, Office of Security Transition - Iraq 


Brigadier General Kevin J. Bergner, United States Army

Deputy Director J-5

The Joint Chiefs of Staff 



June 17

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the impact of defense trade offsets on the United States defense industrial base. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)  

·        Attachment (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Owen E. Herrnstadt, Esquire (pdf)


Trade and Globalization, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers 


Roland Doktor

Manager for New Programs

Navy Programs, Warren Pumps Inc. 


Rick Edger (pdf)

President and CEO

Jered Industries, Inc. 



June 16

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the status of United States forces in Iraq after June 30, 2004. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Peter Rodman (pdf)

Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)

Department of Defense 


Lieutenant General Walter L. Sharp, United States Army (pdf)


Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Chiefs of Staff 


Ambassador Francis J. Ricciardone (pdf)

Coordinator for Iraq Transition

Department of State 



June 16

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the report of the United States - China Economic and Security Review Commission. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Roger W. Robinson, Jr.  (pdf)


U.S. - China Economic and Security Review Commission 


Carolyn Bartholomew (pdf)


U.S. - China Economic and Security Review Commission 



June 15

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the strategic implications of United States troop withdrawals from Korea

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Peter Brookes (pdf)

Senior Fellow for National Security Affairs and Director

Asian Studies Center

Heritage Foundation 


Michael E. O'Hanlon (pdf)

Senior Fellow

Foreign Policy Studies, The Sydney Stein Jr. Chair, Brookings Institution 



June 14

The Full Committee will mark the following legislation: H. Res. 640 - a resolution of inquiry requesting that the Secretary of Defense transmit to the House of Representatives before the expiration of the 14-day period beginning on the date of the adoption of this resolution any picture, photograph, video, communication, or report produced in conjunction with any completed Department of Defense investigation conducted by Major General Antonio M. Taguba relating to allegations of torture or allegations of violations of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq or any completed Department of Defense investigation relating to the abuse or alleged abuse of a prisoner of war or detainee by any civilian contractor working in Iraq who is employed on behalf of the Department of Defense. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



June 3

The Total Force Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on sexual assault prevention and response in the armed forces. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Panel 1:

Honorable David S. C. Chu (pdf)

Under Secretary of Defense

Personnel and Readiness


Ms. Ellen Embrey

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

Force Health Protection and Readiness


Honorable Reginald J. Brown (pdf)

Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs


Honorable William Navas (pdf)

Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Manpower and Reserve Affairs


Honorable Michael Dominguez (pdf)

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Manpower and Reserve Affairs


Panel 2:

Frances M. Murphy, M.D. (pdf)

Under Secretary for Health Policy Coordination

Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs


Ms. Juliet Walters (pdf) (pdf) (pdf)

Training Director

National Center for Domestic and Sexual Violence


Mr. Scott Berkowitz (pdf)

President and Founder

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network



May 21

The Full Committee will meet to receive Testimony on the conduct and support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript: Part 1  Part 2



General Richard B. Myers, USAF

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


General Peter J. Schoomaker, USA

Chief of Staff of the Army


General Michael W. Hagee, United States Marine Corps

Commandant of the Marine Corps



May 17

The Full Committee will hold an Issue Forum on Stability Operations by the Iraq Coalition. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Major General Freddie Viggers

Military Secretary

United Kingdom


Major General Simon Willis

Head Australian Defense Staff


Lieutenant General Mieczyslaw Cieniuch

First Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces



May 12

The Full Committee will mark up the following legislation:

H.R. 4323 - To amend title 10, United States Code, to provide rapid acquisition authority to the Secretary of Defense to respond to combat emergencies.

H.R. 4322 - To provide for the establishment of the headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security in the District of Columbia, to require the transfer of administrative jurisdiction over the Nebraska Avenue Naval Complex, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4200 - To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2005, and for other purposes.

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Tactical Air and Land Subcommittee Chairman Weldon’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Projection Forces Subcommittee Chairman Bartlett’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chairman Everett’s Opening Statement (html)

·        Audio Transcript



May 7

The Full Committee will meet to receive Testimony concerning the ongoing investigation into the abuse of prisoners within the Central Command area of responsibility. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf)

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld

Secretary of Defense (html)


General Richard B. Myers, USAF

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


Honorable Les Brownlee

Acting Secretary of the Army


General Peter J. Schoomaker, USA

Chief of Staff of the Army


Lieutenant General Lance L. Smith

Deputy Commander

Central Command



May 6

The Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee will mark up the following legislation: 

H.R.  4200 - To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2005, and for other purposes.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Weldon’s Opening Statement: (html)



May 6

The Strategic Forces Subcommittee will mark up the following legislation: 

H.R.  4200 - To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2005, and for other purposes.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Everett’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



May 6

The Readiness Subcommittee will mark up the following legislation: 

H.R.  4200 - To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2005, and for other purposes.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



May 5

The Total Force Subcommittee will mark up the following legislation: 

H.R.  4200 - To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2005, and for other purposes.

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



May 5

The Projection Forces Subcommittee will mark up the following legislation: 

H.R.  4200 - To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2005, and for other purposes.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Bartlett’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



May 5

The Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will mark up the following legislation: 

H.R.  4200 - To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2005, and for other purposes.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



April 29

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Afghanistan: Security and Reconstruction.  

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Peter Rodman (html)

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

Office of the Secretary of Defense


Lieutenant General Walter Sharp, United States Army (html)

Director for Strategic Plans and Policy

The Joint Staff


Ambassador William Taylor

Coordinator for Afghanistan

U.S. Department of State



April 23

The Full Committee will hold an Issue Forum entitled: "The China Factor:  China's Acquisition of Western Arms and Critical Technology."

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Newt Gingrich

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Former Speaker of the House


Frank D. Kramer

Counsel, Shear & Gardner

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs


Mr. Richard D. Fisher, Jr.

Asian Security Studies Fellow

Center for Security Policy


Mr. John J. Tack, Jr.

Research Fellow in China Policy

The Heritage Foundation



April 21

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Performance of the Department of Defense Acquisition Process in Support of Force Protection for Combat Forces. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Michael W. Wynne

Acting Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics)

Office of the Secretary of Defense (html)


Lieutenant General Joseph L. Yakovac, Jr.

Military Deputy and Director

Army Acquisition Corps, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), Department of the Army (html)


Major General Buford C. Blount, III

Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3

United States Army Slides (pdf)


Lieutenant General Edward Hanlon, Jr.

Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Commanding General

Marine Corps Combat, Development Command, United States Marine Corps


Brigadier General William D. Catto

Commanding General

Marine Corps Systems Command, United States Marine Corps 


(Joint Statement:  Hanlon and Catto)


Other Hearing Material:

Material regarding HMMWV's and Interim Gun Truck (pdf)



April 21

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Iraq's Transition to Sovereignty. 

·        Opening Statement of Chairman Hunter (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript: Part1  Part2  Part3

·        Hearing Transcript (html)



Honorable Paul D. Wolfowitz (html)

Deputy Secretary of Defense


General Richard B. Myers

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


Honorable Marc I. Grossman (html)

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs


Dr. Judith Yaphe (html)

Senior Fellow

National Defense University


Dr. Alatza Baram (html)

Senior Fellow

United States Institute of Peace


General John Keane, United States Army (Ret.)

Former Vice Chief of Staff

United States Army



April 1

The Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Future Combat System and Force Protection Initiatives. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Weldon’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Lieutenant General Joseph L. Yakovac, Jr., United States Army (html)

Military Deputy and Director

Army Acquisition Corps, Office of the Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), Department of the Army


Mr. Paul. L. Francis (pdf)


Acquisition and Sourcing Management, United States General Accounting Office


Lieutenant General Benjamin S. Griffin, United States Army (html)

Deputy Chief of Staff, G9 (Programming, Material Integration and Management)

United States Army


Lieutenant General Edward Hanlon, Jr., United States Marine Corps (html)

Deputy Commandant, Combat Development

United States Marine Corps



April 1

The Terrorism, Unconventional threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Destructions of the U.S. Chemical Weapons Stockpile - Program and Status. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Transcript: link

·        Audio Transcript



Mr. Raymond J. Decker (pdf)


Defense Capabilities and Management, U.S. General Accounting Office


Dr. Dale E. Klein (html)

Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs


Honorable Claude Bolton (html)

Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)


Mr. Pat Wakefield

Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Chemical Demilitarization and Counterproliferation)


Mr. Mike Parker


U.S. Army Chemical Material Agency


Mr. Craig Conklin (html)


Nuclear and Chemical Hazards Branch Preparedness Division Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate, Department of Homeland Security


Dr. Patrick J. Meehan (html)

Deputy Director for Program National Center for Environmental Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)



March 31

The Terrorism, Unconventional threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Department of Defense's Business Transformation Efforts. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html

·        Transcript: link



Mr. Gregory D. Kutz (pdf)


Financial Management and Assurance, U.S. General Accounting Office


Ms. JoAnn Boutelle (html)

Deputy Chief Financial Officer

Department of Defense


Dr. Margaret E. Myers (html)

Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) and the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Management Reform

Department of Defense


Gary L. Winkler (html)


Enterprise Integration, CIO/G-6, Department of the Army


Mr. David M. Wennergren (html)

Chief Information Officer

Department of the Navy


Mr. John M. Gilligan (html)

Chief Information Officer

Department of the Air Force


Brigadier General John R. Thomas, United States Marine Corps (html)

Director C4/Chief Information Officer

United States Marine Corps


Mr. Thomas Burlin (html)


United States Federal Industry and Global Government Leader


Mr. Steve Peck (html)


SAP Public Services


Mr. Kent R. Schneider (html)


Defense enterprise Solutions, Northrop Grumman Information Technology



March 31

The Total Force Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request on Reserve Component Transformation and Relieving the Stress on the Reserve Component.

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (html)


Honorable Albert C. Zapanta (html)


Reserve Forces Policy Board


Major General Douglas Burnett, United States Air Force (html)

Adjutant General Association of the United States and Adjutant General, Florida National Guard


Major General Robert McIntosh, United States Air Force Reserve (ret.) (pdf)

Executive Director

Reserve Officers Association of the United States


Honorable Thomas F. Hall (html)

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs


Lieutenant General H. Steven Blum, United States Army


National Guard Bureau


Lieutenant General Roger C. Schultz, United States Army


Army National Guard 


(Joint Statement:  Blum, Schultz, and James)


Lieutenant General James Helmly, United States Army (html)


US Army Reserve


Vice Admiral John G. Cotton, United States Navy (html)


U.S. Naval Reserve


Lieutenant General Daniel James, III, United States Air Force


Air National Guard


Lieutenant General James E. Sherrard, III, United States Air Force (html)


Air Force Reserve


Lieutenant General Dennis M. McCarthy, United States Marine Corps (html)


Marine Forces Reserve



March 31

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request from the Department of Defense. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Admiral Thomas. B. Fargo, United States Navy (html)


U.S. Pacific Command


General Leon J. Laporte, United States Army (pdf)


U.S. Forces Korea



March 30

The Readiness Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Logistics: Lessons form OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and Logistics Transformation. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement: (html)



Major General Robert T. Dail, United States Army (html)

Director of Operations

TCJ3, United States Transportation Command


Vice admiral Keith W. Lippert, United States Navy (html)


Defense Logistics Agency


Lieutenant General Claude V. Christianson, United States Army (html)

Deputy Chief of Staff

G4, Department of the Army


Brigadier General Edward G. Usher, II, United States Marine Corps (html)

Assistant Deputy Commandant for Installation and Logistics

U.S. Marine Corps



March 30

The Projection Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Navy Force Structure and Ship Construction. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Bartlett’s Opening Statement: (html

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Ms. Cynthia Brown (pdf)


American Shipbuilding Association


Honorable John J. Young

Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)


Vice Admiral John B. Nathman, United States Navy

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (N-7) (Warfare Requirements and Programs) Department of the Navy


Vice Admiral James C. Dawson, Jr., United States Navy

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (N-8) (Resources, Requirements and Assessments)

Department of the Navy


(Joint Statement:  Young, Nathman, and Dawson)


Mr. Ronald O'Rourke (pdf)

Specialist in National Defense

Congressional Research Service



March 25

The Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Department of Defense Science and Technology Policy Programs. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Transcript: link



Dr. Ronald M. Sega (html)


Defense Research and Engineering, Department of Defense


Dr. Anthony J. Tether (html)


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense


Dr. Thomas H. Killion (html)

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology

Department of the Army


Rear Admiral Jay M. Cohen, United States Navy (html)

Chief of Naval Research

Department of the Navy


Mr. James B. Engle (html)

Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Science, Technology and Engineering) Department of the Air Force



March 25

The Readiness Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Process. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript: Part1  Part2

·        Hearing Transcript (html)



Honorable Raymond F. Dubois, Jr. (html)

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Installations and Environment


Lieutenant General James E. Cartwright

Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment (J8)

The Joint Staff, United States Marine Corps


Mr. Barry W. Holman (pdf)


Defense Capabilities and Management, United States General Accounting Office



March 25

The Strategic Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Missile Defense Programs. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Everett’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Lieutenant General Ronald T. Kadish, United States Air Force (html)


Missile Defense Agency


Lieutenant General Larry J. Dodgen, United States Army (html)


Space and Missile Defense Command


Honorable Thomas P. Christie (html)


Operational Test and Evaluation, Department of Defense



March 25

The Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Department of the Navy and Department of the Air Force Tactical Weapon Acquisition Programs. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Weldon’s Opening Statement: (html) 

·        Audio Transcript (cuts off before end of hearing)



Mr. Allen Li, Director

Acquisition Sourcing Management - F/A-22

United States General Accounting Office 


Mr. Mike Sullivan

Acting Director

Acquisition Sourcing Management - Joint Strike Fighter, United States General Accounting Office


(Joint Statement:  Li and Sullivan)


Honorable John J. Young, Jr.

Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research Development & Acquisition)

Department of the Navy


Vice Admiral John B. Nathman, United States Navy

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations

Warfare Requirements and Programs (N7), United States Navy


Lieutenant General (LtGen) Michael A. Hough

Deputy Commandant for Aviation

United States Marine Corps 


(Joint Statement:  Young, Nathman, and Hough)


Mr. Marvin R. Sambur

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition)

Department of the Air Force


Lieutenant General Ronald E. Keys, United States Air Force

Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations

United States Air Force 


(Joint Statement:  Sambur and Keys)



March 24

The Readiness Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Pre-positioned Equipment Programs of the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Brigadier General Jerome Johnson, United States Army

Director for Plans, Operation and Readiness

Department of the Army


Brigadier General Kevin T. Ryan

Director of Strategy, Plans and Policy

Department of the Army


(Joint Statement:  Johnson and Ryan)


Brigadier General Robert B. Neller, United States Marine Corps (html)

Director, Operations Division (PO), Plans, Policy and Operations

United States Marine Corps


Mr. Eric Peltz (pdf)

Associate Director

Military Logistics Program, RAND Corporation Arroyo Center


Mr. William Solis, Director (pdf)

Defense Capabilities and Management

United States General Accounting Office



March 24

The Total Force Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Military Personnel Policy, Benefits and Compensation Overview. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (html) 

·        Audio Transcript (cuts off before end of hearing)



Honorable Charles S. Abell (html)

Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

Department of Defense


Lieutenant General Franklin L. Hagenbeck, United States Army (html)

Deputy Chief of Staff

G1 Headquarters, Department of the Army


Vice Admiral Gerald Hoewing, United States Navy (html)

Chief of Naval Personnel and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Manpower and Personnel

Department of the Navy


Lieutenant General Garry L. Parks, United States Marine Corps (html)

Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

United States Marine Corps


Lieutenant General Richard "Tex" Brown, United States Air Force (html)

Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel Headquarters

United States Air Force


Dr. Harry J. Thie (pdf)

Senior Management Scientists

RAND Corporation


Dr. James Hosek (pdf)

Senior Economist

RAND Corporation


Mr. Derek B. Stewart (pdf)

Director of Defense, Capabilities and Management

United States General Accounting Office


Mr. Joseph L. Barnes (html)

National Executive Secretary

Fleet Reserve Association


Mr. Erin M. Harting

Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs

Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States


Colonel Lee F. Lange, Unites States Marine Corps (Ret.)

Deputy Director

Government Relations, Military Officers Association of America 


(Joint Statement:  Barnes, Harting and Lange)



March 24

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request from the Department of Defense. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



General James L. Jones, United States Marine Corps (html)


U.S. European Command


General James T. Hill, United States Army (html)


U.S. Southern Command



March 18

The Readiness and Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittees will meet for a joint hearing to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Training Transformation - Examination of the Joint National Training Capability. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement: (html)   

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Paul W. Mayberry (html)

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Readiness)

Department of Defense


Major General Gordon Nash, United States Marine Corps (pdf)

Commander, Joint Warfighting Center

Director for Joint Training, United States Joint Forces Command


Brigadier General Louis W. Weber (html)

Director of Training

Training Directorate (DAMO-TR), United States Army


Rear Admiral David T. Hart, Jr., United States Navy (html)


Fleet Readiness Division, Department of the Navy


Brigadier General Norman R. Seip, United States Air Force (html)

Deputy Director of Operations and Training

Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space, Department of the Air Force


Michael P. Bailey, Ph.D. (html)

Technical Director, Technology Division, Training and Education Command

United States Marine Corps



March 18

The Strategic Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Department of Energy's Atomic Energy Defense Activities. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Everett’s Opening Statement: (html)



Ambassador Linton Brooks (html)


National Nuclear Security Administration, Department of Energy


Honorable Jessie Hill Roberson (pdf)

Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management

Department of Energy



March 18

The Total Force Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request  on Defense Health Programs - Current and Future Issues. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript (cuts off before end of the hearing)



William Winkenwerder, Jr., M.D. (html)

Assistant Secretary of Defense Health Affairs


Lieutenant General James B. Peake, United States Army (html)

Surgeon General of the Army


Vice Admiral Michael L. Cowan, United States Navy (html)

Surgeon General of the Navy


Lieutenant General George P. Taylor, Jr., United States Air Force (html)

Surgeon General of the Air Force


Sue Schwartz, DBA, RN


The Military Coalition's Health Care Committee


Mr. Robert Washington, Sr.


The Military Coalition's Health Care Committee 


(Joint Statement:  Schwartz and Washington)


Ms. Kimberly Ann Stanish

Health Care Committee Co-chair

National Military Veterans Alliance


Ben Butler

Director of Legislation

National Association for Uniformed Services, National Military Veterans Alliance


(Joint Statement:  Stanish and Bulter)


Alfred Buck, M.D. (html)


Edward Martin & Associates, Inc.


David J. McIntyre, Jr. (html)

President and Chief Executive Officer

TriWest Healthcare Alliance


James Woys (html)


Health Net Federal Services


David Baker (html)

President and Chief Executive Officer

Humana Military Healthcare Services



March 18

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on H.R. 1741, To Redesignate the Position of the Secretary of the Navy as the Secretary of the Navy and Marine Corps. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



William S. Dudley (html)

Director of Naval History

Naval Historical Center


Admiral Stansfield Turner, United States Navy (Ret.)

Former Director of Central Intelligence


General Carl Mundy Jr., United States Marine Corps (Ret.) (html)

Former Commandant of the Marine Corps


Honorable Donald Howard (pdf)

Former Under Secretary of the Navy and Acting Secretary of the Navy (1992)



March 17

The Full Committee will meet to mark up H.R. 3966 - ROTC and Military Recruiter Equal  Access to Campuses Act of 2004, S. 2057 - Reimbursement of Certain Transportation Costs Incurred by Members of the United States Armed Forces on Rest and Recuperation Leave, H.R. 3104 - Military Campaign Medals to Recognize Service in Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom, and H. Con. Res. 374 - Expressing the Sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense, Federal Banking Agencies, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission Should Work to Mitigate the Financial Hardships Experienced by Members of the Reserve Component as a Result of Being Called to Active Duty.

·        Audio Transcript



March 17

The Projection Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - the United States Transportation Command's (USTRANSCOM) Airlift and Sealift Programs.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Bartlett’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



General John W. Handy, United States Air Force (html)


United States Transportation Command, United States Air Force



March 17

The Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Department of Defense Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Programs. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Weldon’s Opening Statement: (html

·        Audio Transcript (cuts off before end of hearing)



Dr. Glen Lamartin (html)


Defense Systems, Office of the Secretary of Defense


General James D. Thurman (html)


Army Aviation Task Force, United States Army


Lieutenant General Walter E. Buchanan III, United States Air Force (html)


Central Command Air Forces and Commander, 9th Air Force, United States Air Force


Neil Curtin


Defense Capabilities and Management, General Accounting Office


Paul L. Francis


Acquisition and Sourcing Management, General Accounting Office 


(Joint Statement:  Curtin and Francis)



March 17

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Combating the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Dr. Larry M. Wortzel (html)

Vice President and Director

The Heritage Foundation Davis Institute for International Policy Studies


Mr. Gary Milhollin (html)


Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control


Dr. Ashton B. Carter (html)


Preventive Defense Project, Harvard University Kennedy School of Government



March 11 

The Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Special Operations Command Oversight. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html

·        Transcript: link

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Thomas W. O'Connell (html)

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict


General Bryan D. Brown, United States Army (html)


United States Special Operations Command


Lieutenant General Philip Kensinger, United States Army

Commanding General

United States Army Special Operations Command


Lieutenant General Paul Hester, United States Air Force


Air Force Special Operations Command


Rear Admiral Albert Calland, United Sates Navy


Naval Special Warfare Command


Command Chief Master Sergeant Robert Martens Jr., United States Air Force

Senior Enlisted Advisor

United States Special Operations Command



March 11

The Projection Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Navy Research and Development, Transformation and Future Naval Capabilities. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Bartlett’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable John J. Young

Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)


Vice Admiral John B. Nathman, United States Navy

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (N-7) (Warfare Requirements and Programs) Department of the Navy

Vice Admiral Cutler J. Dawson, Jr.


Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (N-8) (Resources, Requirements, and Assessments)

Department of the Navy


Lieutenant General Edward Hanlon, Jr., United States Marine Corps

Commanding General

Marine Corps Combat Development Command


Rear Admiral Jay M. Cohen, United States Navy

Chief of Naval Research

Director, Test and Evaluation and Technology Requirements, Department of the Navy 


(Joint Statement:  Young, Nathman, Dawson, Hanlon, and Cohen)



March 11

The Readiness Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Assessing the Adequacy of the Fiscal Year 2005 Budget to Meet Readiness Needs.  

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement (html

·        Audio Transcript (cuts off before end of hearing)



General George Casey, United States Army (html)

Vice Chief of Staff

Army Headquarters, Department of the Army


Admiral Michael G. Mullen, United States Navy (pdf)

Vice Chief of Naval Operations

Department of the Navy


General T. Michael Moseley, United States Air Force (html)

Vice Chief of Staff

Air Force Headquarters, United States Air Force


Lieutenant General Jan C. Huly, United States Marine Corps (html)

Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policy and Operations

United States Marine Corps



March 10

The Total Force Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request on the Adequacy of the Total Force. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (html)


Lieutenant General James E. Cartwright, United States Marine Corps (html)

Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment (J8)

Joint Chiefs of Staff


Lieutenant General Richard A. Cody, United States Army

Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3, Headquarters

Department of the Army


Lieutenant General Franklin L. Hagenbeck, United States Army

Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, Headquarters

Department of the Army 


(Joint Statement:  Cody and Hagenbeck)


Vice Admiral Kevin P. Green, United States Navy (html)

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Plans, Policy and Operations

Department of the Navy


Vice Admiral Gerald Hoewing, United States Navy (html)

Chief of Naval Personnel and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Manpower and Personnel

Department of the Navy


Lieutenant General Duncan J. McNabb, United States Air Force (html)

Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Program Headquarters

United States Air Force


Lieutenant General Richard "Tex" Brown, United States Air Force (html)

Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Headquarters

United States Air Force


Lieutenant General Jan C. Huly, United States Marine Corps

Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations

U.S. Marine Corps


Lieutenant General Garry L. Parks, United States Marine Corps

Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs

United States Marine Corps 


(Joint Statement:  Huly and Parks)



March 4

The Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Budget Request - Department of Defense Responsibilities in Homeland Defense and Homeland Security Missions. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html

·        Transcript: link

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Paul McHale (html)

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense)


Lieutenant General H. Steven Blum, United States Army (html)


National Guard Bureau


Major General John A. "Andy" Love, United States Air Force (html)

Special assistant to the Commander

Northern Command for National Guard Members



March 4

The Readiness Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Military Construction Budget Request for the Programs of the Department of the Army and the Department of the Navy. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio transcript



Honorable Geoffrey G. Prosch

Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army

Installations and Environment


Major General Larry J. Lust, United States Army

Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management

United States Army


Major General Walter Pudlowski, United States Army

Special Assistant to the Director

Army National Guard


Brigadier General Gary M. Profit, United States Army

Deputy Chief, Army Reserve 


(Joint Statement:  Prosch, Lust, Pudlowski, and Profit)


Honorable H.T. Johnson

Assistant Secretary of the Navy

Installations and Environment


Rear Admiral Christopher Weaver, United States Navy


Navy Installations


Brigadier General Willie J. Williams, United States Marine Corps

Assistant Deputy Commandant, Installations and Logistics (Facilities)

Commandant of the Marine Corps (LF)


(Joint Statement:  Johnson, Weaver, and Williams)



March 4

The Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Aviation Industrial Base and Department of Defense Rotorcraft Investment Programs. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Weldon’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Alan R. Shaffer (html)

Director of Plans and Programs

Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering


Major General James D. Thurman, United States Air Force (pdf)


Army Aviation Task Force


Mr. Tom Laux

Acting Program Executive Officer (Air Anti-Submarine Warfare, Assault, and Special Missions)

Department of the Navy


Rear Admiral Andy Winns

Deputy N78 Aviation Requirements Officer for Helicopters

United States Navy


Brigadier General Samuel T. Helland, United States Marine Corps

Assistant Deputy Commandant for Aviation (AA)

United States Marine Corps


(Joint Statement:  Laux, Winns, and Helland)


Mr. M.E. Rhett Flater (html)

Executive Director

American Helicopter Society International


Mr. Joseph H. Bogosian (pdf)

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation and Machinery

U.S. Department of Commerce



March 3

The Total Force Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request on Military Resale and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Programs. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (html)


Honorable Charles S. Abell (html)

Principal Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel and Readiness


Major General Mike Wiedemer, United States Air Force (html)


Defense Commissary Agency


Major General Kathryn Frost, United States Air Force (html)


Army and Air Force Exchange Service Command


Rear Admiral William J. Maguire, United States Navy (html)

Supply Corps

U.S. Navy Commander, Navy Exchange Service Command


Michael P. Downs, United States Marine Corps (html)


Personnel and Family Readiness Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps


Mr. Bill Stanley (html)

Chairman of the Board

American Logistics Association


Mr. C. Lloyd Johnson (html) (Exhibit Part One) (Exhibit Part Two)

Chairman of the Board

Armed Forces Marketing Council


Mr. Joe Olding (html)


Commissary Division, WEBCO


Mr. Joyce Raezer (html)

Director of Government Relations

National Military Family Association


CMSgt James E. Lokovic, United States Air Force (ret.) (html)


Military and Government Relations, Air Force Sergeants Association



March 3

The Projection Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Department of Defense Capabilities for Conducting Conventional Long-range Strike Operations. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Bartlett’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Hearing Transcript (html)



Mr. Christopher Bolkcom (pdf)

Specialist in National Defense

Congressional Research Center


Mr. Ronald O'Rourke (pdf)

Specialist in National Defense

Congressional Research Center


Lieutenant General James E. Cartwright, United States Marine Corps (html)

Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment (J8)

Joint Chiefs of Staff


General T. Michael Moseley, United States Air Force (html)

Vice Chief of Staff

U.S. Air Force


Rear Admiral Mark P. Fitzgerald, United States Navy (html)


Air Warfare Staff, Chief of Naval Operations



March 3

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request from the Department of Defense. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



General John Abizaid, United States Army (pdf)

U.S. Central Command


Honorable Peter W. Rodman (html)

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs



February 26  

The Readiness Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request - Military Construction and Family Housing Programs of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Defense Agencies, and the Active and Reserve Components of the Department of the Air Force. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Hefley’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Raymond F. DuBois, Jr. (pdf)

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Installations and Environment


Honorable Nelson F. Gibbs

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Installations, Environment, and Logistics


Major General Dean Fox

The Air Force Civil Engineer


Brigadier General David A. Brubaker

Deputy Director

Air National Guard


Brigadier General William A. Rajczak

Deputy to the Chief of Air Force Reserve 


(Joint Statement:  Gibbs, Fox, Brubaker, and Rajczak)



February 26

The Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Department of Defense Transformation.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html

·        Audio transcript (cuts off before the end of the hearing)



Vice Admiral Arthur K. Cebrowski, United States Navy (ret.) (pdf)


Office of Force Transformation, Office of the Secretary of Defense


Major General John M. Curran, United States Army (html)


Futures Center, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command


Rear Admiral Kevin J. Cosgriff, United States Navy (html)

Director of Warfare Integration (OPNAV N7F)


Lieutenant General Duncan J. McNabb, United States Air Force (html)

Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs (AF/XP)


Lieutenant General Edward Hanlon, United States Marine Corps (html)

Deputy Commandant for Combat Development

Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command


Lieutenant General Robert W. Wagner (html)

United States Joint Forces Command



February 26

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request from the Department of the Air Force. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable James G. Roche

Secretary of the Air Force


General John P. Jumper, United States Air Force

Chief of Staff of the Air Force 


(Joint Statement:  Roche and Jumper)



February 25

The Full Committee will mark-up of H. Res. 499, Requesting the President and directing the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Attorney General to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution documents in the possession of the President and those officials relating to the disclosure of the identity and employment of Ms. Valerie Plame. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



February 25

The Total Force Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Department of Defense force health protection and surveillance efforts for service members deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (html


Robert Washington, Sr.


The Military Coalition's Health Care Committee


Sue Schwartz, DBA, RN


The Military Coalition's Health Care Committee 


(Joint Statement:  Washington and Schwartz)


Michael Duggan

Deputy Director

National Security and Foreign Relations Davison American Legion (html)


Corporal Victor Thibeault, United States Army

10th Mountain Division

Fort Drum, New York


William Winkenwerder, Jr., M.D.

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs


Lieutenant General James B. Peake, M.D.

The Surgeon General

U.S. Army Commander, U.S. Medical Command  


(Joint Statement:  Windenwerder and Peake)


Sergeant Major Kenneth O. Preston


Sergeant Major of the Army (html)


Michael J. Kussman, M.D.

Deputy Chief of Patient Care Officer

Veterans Health Administration


Susan H. Mather, M.D.

Chief Officer

Public Health and Environmental Hazards, Department of Veterans Affairs


Laurent S. Lehmann, M.D.


Mental Health Strategic Health Care Group, Department of Veterans Affairs  


(Joint Statement:  Kussman, Mather, and Lehmann)



February 25

The Strategic Forces Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request: Status of the Space Programs. 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Everett’s Opening Statement: (html)



Honorable Pete B. Teets (html)

Undersecretary of the Air Force



February 25

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization budget request from the Department of the Army. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Les Brownlee

Acting Secretary of the Army


General Peter J. Schoomaker

Chief of Staff

Department of the Army 


(Joint Statement:  Brownlee and Schoomaker)



February 12 

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Budget Request from the Department of the Navy. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Gordon R. England (html)

Secretary of the Navy


Admiral Vern Clark, United States Navy (pdf)

Chief of Naval Operations


General Michael W. Hagee, United States Marine Corps (html)

Commandant of the Marine Corps



February 11

The Terrorism, Unconventional Threat and Capabilities Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Department of Defense Information Systems Architecture: Are we on the Right Path to Achieving Net- Centricity and Ensuring  Interoperability? 

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Audio Transcript: Part1  Part2

·        Hearing Transcript (html)



Honorable John P. Stenbit (html)

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration


Lieutenant General Steven W. Boutelle, United States Army (html)

Chief Information Officer/G6


Major General Marilyn Quagliotti, United States Army (html)

Vice director, Defense Information Systems Agency


Rear Admiral Thomas E. Zelibor, United States Navy (html)

Deputy for C4 Integration and Policy/DoN Deputy CIO (Navy) (OPNAV N6F)


Mr. David Tillotson III (html)

Director, C41, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Architecture and Assessment

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Warfighting Integration


Brigadier General John R. Thomas, United States Marine Corps (html)

Director Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4)

DoN Deputy CIO for United States Marine Corps



February 11

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on Department of Defense aviation safety initiatives. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Major General Kenneth W. Hess (html)

OSD/United States Air Force, Air Force Chief of Safety and Commander, United States Air Force Safety Center


Brigadier General Joseph A. Smith, United States Army (pdf)

Director of Army Safety and Commanding General

United States Army Safety Center


Rear Admiral Richard E. Brooks, United States Navy (html)


United States Naval Center


Brigadier General Samuel T. Helland, United States Marine Corps (html)

Assistant Deputy Commandant for Aviation (AA)

United States Marine Corps


Mr. Christopher Bolkcom (pdf)

Specialist in National Defense

Congressional Research Service



February 4 

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Budget Request from the Department of Defense. 

·        Chairman Hunter’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)

·        Audio Transcript



Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld (html)

Secretary of Defense


General Peter Pace, United States Marine Corps (html)

Vice Chairman

Joint Chiefs of Staff


Honorable Dov Zakheim

Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)



January 28 

The Full Committee will meet to receive testimony on the Operation Iraqi Freedom Force Rotation Plan.

·        Subcommittee Chairman Saxton’s Opening Statement: (html) (pdf)


General Peter J. Schoomaker, United States Army

Chief of Staff of the Army (pdf)


General Michael W. Hagee, United States Marine Corps

Commandant of the Marine Corps (html)


Lieutenant General Norton A. Schwartz, United States Air Force

Director for Operations, J-3, Joint Staff


Lieutenant General James. E. Cartwright, United States Marine Corps

Director for Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, J-8, Joint Staff



January 21

The Total Force Subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on Reserve Component Healthcare: Medical Holdovers in Current and Future Deployments.

·        Subcommittee Chairman McHugh’s Opening Statement: (html)

·        Hearing Transcript (html)

·        Audio Transcript



Stephen Robinson (html)

Executive Director

National Gulf War Resource Center, Inc.


Patricia Hicks (html)


Citizens Advocacy Center


Sergeant Craig Allen LaChance

Medical Holdover Company

Fort Stewart, Georgia


Col. John M. Kidd (html)

Garrison Commander

Third Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort Stewart, Georgia


Col. Keith Armstrong (html)

Garrison Commander

Fort Knox, Kentucky


Lt. Gen. James B. Peake

Surgeon General

Dept. of the Army


(Joint Statement:  Peake and Denning)


Lt. Gen. Joseph R. Inge

Commanding General

First U.S. Army


Daniel Denning

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs


Vice Admiral Michael L. Cowan

Surgeon General

Department of the Navy


Rear Admiral John M. Stewart, Jr.

Deputy Command

Navy Personnel Command


(Joint Statement:  Cowan and Stewart)


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Washington, D.C. 20515
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