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UMESC Fact Sheets

USGS Fact Sheets

fact sheet
Taking the Pulse of a River System: Research on the Upper Mississippi River System new
Taking the Pulse of a River System: First 20 Years - Long Term Resource Monitoring on the Upper Mississippi River System
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center - 2005
Strategic Directions for Invasive Species Research at the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Aquatic Invasive Species Research Capabilities at the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
A Voluntary Program to Curtail Boat Disturbance to Migrating Waterfowl on the Upper Mississippi River
Host Fish Identification and Early Life Thermal Requirements for the Federal Endangered Winged Mapleleaf Mussel
Nutrients in the Upper Mississippi River: Scientific Information to Support Management Decisions
Geographic Information System Tools for Conservation Planning
Predicting and Mapping Bird Abundances
Pathways of Biological Production in Large Rivers

fact sheet

Farm Ponds as Wildlife Habitat in the Driftless Area Ecoregion
Development of Landscape Models for Conservation of Freshwater Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
At-Risk Riverine Fishes: Paddlefish and Lake Sturgeon
Tree Swallows: A Nationwide Sentinel Species for Assessing and Monitoring Aquatic Contamination
Effects of Ammonia on Freshwater Mussels in the St. Croix River
Managing Floodplain Forests for Bird Diversity
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Career Opportunities for Students
Resources for Teachers and Students at the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Tundra Swans on the Upper Mississippi River

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: June 24, 2009