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[PHOTOGRAPH] Richard L. Garwin R&D and the Economic Transition
[12 May 2009]
Richard L. Garwin has been a force of innovation for a half-century, and in the 2009 Carey Lecture at AAAS, he discussed how a stronger innovation culture could power the economy.
[PHOTOGRAPH] U.S. Rep. Brian Baird [Public domain photo courtesy of U.S. Rep. Baird] The Importance of Changing Consumer Behavior
[12 May 2009]
U.S. Rep. Brian Baird, a psychologist by training, described the link between human behavior and energy use during an address to the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Forum.
[PHOTOGRAPH] An excerpt from a biofuels production diagram [Image courtesy of McDade and Campbell / UC Merced] Support for H1N1 Pandemic Alert
[11 May 2009]
An early look at the H1N1 flu outbreak, released Monday by Science, suggests the World Health Organization was justified in its recent decision to raise the global pandemic alert level.
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Nominations are due 22 May for the AAAS Leadership in Science Education Prize for High School Teachers.
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