U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Contact: Jena Longo - Democratic Deputy Communications Director 202.224.7824
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Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Climate Services: Solutions from Commerce to Communities
Our climate shapes every aspect of our lives. It determines where we build our roads and homes. It affects our health and it controls the amount of energy we need. Over one-third of our nation’s Gross Domestic Product is affected by weather and climate. 
Climate change is happening—the scientists agree—we have observed rising temperatures and sea levels, reduced snow and ice, longer growing seasons, and changes in river flow.
These challenges continue to grow, but so does our knowledge of the climate system and the reach of our scientific research.
We have a responsibility to share that knowledge widely and put it to use—and that is the focus of this hearing today.  The facts.
We continue to learn so much about our climate. Everyday, dedicated scientists and entrepreneurs explain new challenges and highlight new opportunities. It gives me tremendous hope.
However, the reality is that unless that information reaches the people who are confronting climate change on the frontlines, it will have been for naught. It is time to take science out of the laboratories and bring it into our communities.
This is about putting climate science to work in people’s lives:  to protect public health by predicting the spread of infectious diseases due to a changing climate; to anticipate droughts and take actions to reduce their economic and environmental impacts; and to adjust our building codes to withstand increased storm intensity and flooding.
It is also about making those tools and the climate science behind them available, transparent and useful to everyday Americans.
This hearing’s purpose—and a top priority of this committee—is to make sure the essential facts, most important research, and latest technology that have come directly from sound climate science finds its way directly to the people who can put it to work at every level.
That means community advocates and business leaders, public, private and government entities, and local, state, and federal lawmakers. 
I would like to also note that when it comes to climate change, the Commerce Committee has a long history at this crucial intersection where science meets policy – and the hard work of making a difference begins.
And so today I look forward to discussing these great challenges and the Federal government’s work to translate climate science into information and services for users to plan for and respond to climate change. 
The Department of Commerce through efforts like the National Climate Service and the Office of Science and Technology Policy continue to look for innovative new ways to share information and address mounting public needs. I am confident their leadership will bring the best research and latest technology front and center.
I am deeply honored to welcome our two witnesses to the Committee:
As the former two-term governor of the nation’s most trade-dependent state, Commerce Secretary Gary Locke brings a valuable insight to the challenge of facing climate change on the global stage.
As Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy John Holdren is charged with a broad mandate of developing and implementing sound science and technology policies and budgets, collaborating across agencies while engaging the wider science and engineering communities in that mission.
Together, I hope we can look specifically at bringing all of our stakeholders to the table, helping them stay competitive in emerging markets, and making sure they are invested in our energy future.
This hearing is a great opportunity to highlight how sound climate science can drive our economy and empower stakeholders with the tools to respond and thrive. Thank you.
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July 2009 Press Releases  « June | August »   « 2008 | 2010 » 
30th -  Rockefeller, Boxer Applaud Funding for Rail Safety Grants
30th -  Hearing Summary - Climate Services: Solutions from Commerce to Communities
30th -  current Press Release
30th -  Rockefeller Seeks Information on Health Care Co-ops
30th -  Sen. Hutchison’s Cell Phone Jamming Bill Gains Support of Key Law Enforcement Organization
29th -  Hearing Summary: Nominations Hearing
29th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Today's Nominations Hearing
28th -  Hearing Summary - Weathering the Storm: The Need for a National Hurricane Initiative
28th -  Hutchison: Nation Must Find New Ways to Minimize Hurricane Damage and Improve Prediction and Response
28th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Weathering the Storm: The Need for a National Hurricane Initiative
28th -  Rockefeller Issues First Subpoena as Chairman of Senate Commerce Committee Demands Critical Answers for Internet Consumers
27th -  Nominees Confirmed
24th -  Chairman Rockefeller Applauds the Senate's Confirmation of FCC Nominees
24th -  Hutchison Statement on Senate Confirmation of FCC Nominees Baker and Clyburn
24th -  Rockefeller Calls for Audit of General Motors and Chrysler Terminations
22nd -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Advertising Trends and Consumer Protection
22nd -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Rethinking the Children's Television Act for a Digital Media Age
22nd -  Hearing Summary: Advertising Trends and Consumer Protection
22nd -  Hearing Summary: Rethinking the Children's Television Act for a Digital Media Age
21st -  Rockefeller Applauds Senate Commerce Committee's Approval of FAA Reauthorization Bill
21st -  Chairman Rockefeller Applauds Senate Commerce Committee's Extension of Critical Highway Programs
21st -  Executive Session Committee Legislation Summary
21st -  Hutchison Expresses Strong Concerns with 18 Month Extension of Highway Bill
21st -  Hutchison Pleased to See Committee Approval of Bipartisan FAA Bill
21st -  IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Editorial - Cells Phones, Prison Don’t Mix
21st -  VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Hutchison Commemorates 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landing
20th -  Chairman Rockefeller on the 40th Anniversary of the First Moon Landing
20th -  Hutchison Recognizes 40th Anniversary of America’s Moon Landing
17th -  Rockefeller and Hutchison Press DOT on Antitrust Immunity Cases
16th -  Chairman Rockefeller Statement on NASA Nominees Confirmed
16th -  Hearing Summary: Competition in the Health Care Marketplace
16th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Competition in the Health Care Marketplace
15th -  Chairman Rockefeller Alarmed by Magnitude of Cyber Attacks
15th -  Senator Hutchison Pushes to Allow Prisons to Block Inmate Cell Phone Calls
15th -  Hutchison Statement on Senate Confirmation of NASA Nominees
14th -  Hearing Summary-The Economy and Fraud: Protecting Consumers During Downward Economic Times
14th -  Rockefeller, Hutchison, Dorgan, Demint Introduce Bipartisan Aviation Bill
14th -  Sen. Hutchison Introduces Broadband Bill to Spur Private Investment, Raise Public Adoption
13th -  Chairman Rockefeller and Ranking Member Hutchison Statements on the Nomination of Chris Bertram
10th -  Hutchison Pleased with DOT Approval of Continental to Join Star Alliance
10th -  Chairman Rockefeller Adds Another Company to His Online "Mystery Charges" Investigation
9th -  Hearing Summary: Nominations Hearing
8th -  Executive Session Committee Legislation Summary
8th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Today's Nominees
8th -  Hutchison to LaHood: Administration’s Proposed 18 Month Extension of Federal Highway Law Penalizes Texas and Other Donor States
8th -  Hutchison Offers Strong Support for NASA Nominees During Confirmation Hearing
8th -  Commerce Committee Approves Hutchison Bills to Strengthen Safety and Security of America’s Ports and Improve Maritime Commerce
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Public Information Office: 508 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
Tel: 202-224-5115
Hearing Room: 253 Russell Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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