U.S. Chamber Recognizes Bilirakis’s Leadership on Pro-Growth Issues

WASHINGTON (15 Apr.) – In recognition for his demonstrated leadership on important business issues such as trade, investment, and transportation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday awarded U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.) with the prestigious "Spirit of Enterprise" award.

The 2007 "Spirit of Enterprise" is based on rankings given by the Chamber to members of Congress on key pro-growth votes during the 1st Session of the 110th Congress. Members must coincide with the Chamber's position at least 70 percent of the votes to be eligible for the award. Congressman Bilirakis’s support was nearly 90 percent.

“Representative Bilirakis has proven to be an effective ally to the business community, supporting legislation that helps grow the economy and creates new jobs for hardworking Americans,” said Donohue. “The Chamber is grateful for Gus’s commitment to these important issues and is proud to present him with this award.”

"I am pleased to accept this award on behalf of the thousands of small-to-medium-sized business owners and their families in my congressional district. It is their enterprise that drives our local economy," said Congressman Bilirakis. "It is particularly critical during this time of economic downturn that Congress supports pro-growth policies that improve the business environment and creates jobs, while limiting burdensome over-regulation, and new or increased taxes.”

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