NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ask an Astrobiologist
"What is Moon rock like? Is it a solid like granite making it difficult to mine and tunnel into, or is it more like a light volcanic pumice?"
  1. Content with the tag: “tega

  2. Phoenix Scrapes 'Almost Perfect' Icy Soil For Analysis

    NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander enlarged the “Snow White” trench and scraped up little piles of icy soil on Saturday, June 28, the 33rd Martian day, or sol, of the mission. Scientists say that the scrapings are ideal for the lander’s analytical instruments.

    The robotic arm on Phoenix used the blade on its scoop to make 50 scrapes in the icy layer buried under subsurface soil. The robotic arm then heaped the scrapings into a few 10- to 20-cubic centimeter piles, or piles each containing between two and four teaspoonfuls. Scraping created a grid about...

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