Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
J-110,441, a Potent beta-Lactamase Inhibitor with Broad Spectrum Including Class B and Class C beta-Lactamases.
J.O.E.L. (O.F.E.S. young people in struggle) O.F.E.S (stands for family confronting AIDS in spanish).
Jamaica's "Right to Know" initative: Promoting adolescent participation in HIV prevention and communication services and activities.
Jamaican religious culture and its role in acceleration of HIV/AIDS and stigmatization of PLWAs.
Jamaican youth at risk of HIV: An examination of HIV-related behaviours through eight years of national surveillance data.
Japan's official development assistance in fighting global HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Japanese EuroQol Instrument - how valid is the VAS instruction?.
Japanese Health Utilities Index Mark3 (HUI3) the measurement properties in local elderly community sample 2.
Japanese Health Utilities Index Mark3(HUI3) -- The measurement properties in local elderly community sample.
Japanese high school students' awareness of AIDS.
Japanese HUI II III SU15Q General Population Survey.
Japanese newspaper reports of AIDS.
Japanese nurses' perception toward HIV/AIDS patient care.
Japanese Preference and Acceptance for QOL Improvement Surgery with Antigrade Enema for Incontinence.
Jaroots and H.I.V. in Zambia.
Jaroots and H.I.V./AIDS in Zambia.
JC virus mRNA in the peripheral blood of JC-positive HIV-infected patients.
JCAHO Accreditation Surveys as a Measure of Process Quality for VA Heart Failure Patients.
JCV DNA and mRNA sequential detection in a patient presenting long term remission of PML. Neuroscience of HIV Infection.
JCV virological and immunological parameters associated to Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML) progression in AIDS patients.
JCV-DNA in CNS of AIDS patients with and without PML.
Jejunal autonomic neuronal degeneration in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
Jejunal biopsy in HIV infected patients.
Jejunal mucosal morphometry in African patients infected with HIV.
Jewish law, values and the social issues arising from HIV disease.
Job and Career Satisfaction Predictors for Older Nurses.
Job Satisfaction, Professional (Career) Commitment and Intent to Turnover:The Impact of a Tri-Hospital Merger On Registered Nurses.
Job stability in the health care industry.
Job stresses, coping, and burnout in HIV service providers.
Job's like syndrome in HIV-1 infection.