Fermilab Friends for Science Education: Membership

To join or renew your membership, use the Membership Form. To consider dedicating a contribution, read about The Tree of Knowledge.

Fermilab Friends for Science Education (FFSE) needs you now! Your membership dues allow us to create new, innovative science education programs.

We thank our current members for their support. We could not have achieved our remarkable record of success without member contributions; we will not be able to maintain this record without your help in the future. The contributions provide flexibility not possible through Fermilab or DOE funding. Fermilab itself does not have access to, nor does it benefit directly from the funds. Monies go directly to support teachers and students in our communities as they participate in our programs. Over the past 20 years, Fermilab Friends for Science Education, formerly Friends of Fermilab, has brought in over four million dollars in outside grant money for science education programs.

A modest, grass-roots organization at its inception in 1983, FFSE has grown to become a national leader in precollege science education. From the first Summer Institute for Science Teachers held just twelve years ago, programs sponsored by FFSE have increased in number, size and quality. Last year over 32,000 students, and 2,800 teachers participated in programs through the Center. Over the years participants have come from over 500 schools for programs like: The Summer Institute for Science and Mathematics, Beauty and Charm, Particles and Prairies, Science Adventures, and LInC and to use the resources at the Lederman Science Center and Teacher Resource Center. These programs were developed through a partnership between FFSE and the Education Office at Fermilab.

If you (or your spouse) work for one of the thousands of matching gift corporations in the U.S., your employer will match your gift to Fermilab Friends for Science Education. Just obtain the forms from your employer's personnel office, fill the information required and mail to FFSE -- we'll do the rest.

All Fermilab Friends for Science Education members receive FFSE publications and invitations to special events at Fermilab. All contributions to Friends of Fermilab are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

For more information contact Susan Dahl at 630-840-3094 or sdahl@fnal.gov