Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

April 25, 2007

Conrad Warns of Fight Over Farm Bill

"East Coast Media Misrepresents Rural America," Senator says

Washington -- With Congress beginning to craft the 2007 Farm Bill, Senator Kent Conrad today warned agricultural leaders that the development of national farm legislation will be a difficult task.

"There are many road blocks ahead as we write this new Farm Bill. We're fighting against a growing public opinion fed by an East Coast media that simply doesn't understand farming," Senator Conrad said. "This bill is critically important, and we must work together to gather support for America's family farmers."

In a hearing today of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Senator Conrad noted that the Washington Post has reported a number of articles advocating against federal support for America's farmers.

"The stories in this big city newspaper paint an unfair picture of rural America," Senator Conrad said. "It is clear that East Coast media has little understanding of federal farm policy and its effects on the lives of families in North Dakota."

Senator Conrad was a chief architect of the current Farm Bill, which passed Congress in 2002, and has been widely recognized in farm country as a success. That legislation expires this year and Congress is beginning debate on its reauthorization. As both Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and a senior member of the Agriculture Committee, Senator Conrad is in a unique position to influence the next Farm Bill.

Agriculture is North Dakota's top industry, employing about one in every five North Dakotans, and over a quarter of rural North Dakotans. The new Farm Bill is one of the most important pieces of federal legislation for the state's economy.

"Obviously, there is much work for us to do, but I am also optimistic that we can do great things for North Dakota in the next farm bill," Senator Conrad said. "We can strengthen our commodity programs, create a permanent disaster title, and increase our domestic energy supply by increasing support for biofuels in this Farm Bill."