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Energy, Land Use, and Sagebrush Ecosystems: Finding the Delicate Balance

This web resource is a compilation of research projects related to Energy, Land Use, and Sagebrush Ecosystems. Investigators at the USGS Science Centers (FORT and FRESC), and Central Regional Office have brought biological and ecosystem research and mapping expertise to a partnership with the Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming Game and Fish More...

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Human Influence on California Fire Regimes

Periodic wildfire maintains the integrity and species composition of many ecosystems, including the Mediterranean-climate shrublands of California. However, human activities alter natural fire regimes, which can lead to cascading ecological effects. Increased human ignitions at the wildland-urban interface (WUI) have recently gained attention, but More...

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National Resources Monitoring Partnership (NRMP)

Natural resource managers face complex decisions that require a clear understanding of the status of wildlife populations and their habitats. Monitoring is key to making effective management decisions and evaluating the outcomes of those decisions. The goal of NRMP is to improve the accessibility of monitoring efforts to resource managers to aid More...

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National Resources Monitoring Partnership (NRMP) Newsletter

Natural Resource Monitoring Partnership (NRMP) is a collaborative effort by the natural resource management community to improve monitoring efforts in order to support effective evaluation and decision-making by sharing information on monitoring projects and protocols. The Natural Resource Monitoring Partnership was built for easy access to More...

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Land Use History of North America (LUHNA)

This website addresses some of these questions for several regions of North America, conveying the importance of a historical context for understanding ongoing changes in land cover and land use. It also aims to inspire scientists, educators, and science administrators to contribute to the development of a comprehensive land-use history of North More...

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USGS Model Helps Explain Trends in Greater Sage-Grouse Range Reduction

Long-term trends in landscape conditions have significantly reduced sagebrush habitat and populations of greater sage-grouse, according to a new study examining the bird's chances of survival. The species, which is being considered for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act, has experienced significant population declines in recent More...

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