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HEASARC: Software


HEASARC Software

The following software is supported by the HEASARC. Most of this software is designed for professional researchers and advanced students for the analysis of scientific astronomical observations in FITS format. The 'fv' program is also suitable for more general use by amateurs and educators for viewing astronomical image files. These software packages are to be downloaded to the users machine. Web-based tools are available on our tools page.

HEASARC Software Packages

  • HEAsoft - A unified release of the FTOOLS and XANADU packages
  • XANADU - Suite of spectral (xspec), timing (xronos), and image (ximage) analysis programs
  • FTOOLS - General FITS file utility programs and mission-specific data analysis tools
  • XSELECT - Multipurpose tool for filtering event files and generating images, spectra, and light curves. Distributed as part of the HEASARC package on the download page.
  • Profit - GUI tool for visualizing and modeling high-resolution spectra
  • XSTAR - Program for calculating physical conditions and emission spectra in photoionized gases
  • FV - Interactive editor and viewer for astronomical data files in FITS format. Also provides access to Hera.
  • Hera - Run the FTOOLS and XANADU software on the Hera servers at the HEASARC, without having to install the software packages locally.
  • FITSIO - A subroutine library for reading and writing FITS files for C and Fortran programmers
  • Maki - Displays fields of view for various instruments on FITS images. Currently supports the Suzaku XIS, HXD and XRS, Chandra ACIS & HRC, XMM EPIC, and RXTE PCA.

    Latest Versions of Useful Multi-mission Software

    FITS Data Standards

  • Mission-Specific Software

    ASCA | BeppoSAX | CGRO | Chandra | EUVE | EXOSAT | GLAST | HEAO-1 | INTEGRAL | OSO-8 | ROSAT | RXTE | Suzaku | Swift | XMM-Newton

    Latest News

  • RXTE CALDB updated (04 Aug 2009)
    PCA breakdown history and SAA history file updated for the PCA (update 04 August 2009)...
  • XSPEC 12 updated (28 Jul 2009)
    XSPEC 12.5.0an updated July 27; fix to kerrdisk and kerrconv crash under 64-bit Linux...
  • Suzaku CALDB updated (17 Jul 2009)
    The CALDB for the HXD and XIS have been updated (update versions 20090713) ...
  • Fv 5.3 released (17 Jul 2009)
    Updated July 16 2009; bug fixes, more ...
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    Last modified: Friday, 09-May-2008 11:52:02 EDT