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Promoting State Research on Using Financing and Payment Mechanisms
To Improve Prevention Programs and Treatment Services

Bethesda North Marriott Hotel Conference Center
Bethesda, MD
November 20-21, 2006

NIDA Organizer(s):
Sarah Q. Duffy, Ph.D., Thomas F. Hilton, Ph.D., Aleta Meyer, Ph.D., Belinda Sims, Ph.D., Redonna Chandler, Ph.D., and Elizabeth Robertson, Ph.D.

Meeting Purpose and Intent:

The meeting had two goals:

  1. For the principal investigators to meet with NIDA and SAMHSA officials to review results from and progress on their R21 grants under RFA DA-05-002 Enhancing State Capacity To Foster Adoption Of Science-Based Practices and offer grantees information to support future success.
  2. To promote the submission of high-quality R01 applications from State Officials working together with researchers.

Although the meeting focused on the need for, feasibility of, and best way to accomplish research on using financing and payment mechanisms to enhance the quality of the services provided by the substance abuse prevention and treatment delivery systems, other subjects related to the implementation of evidenced-based practices were also discussed.

Meeting Outcome:

Dr. Wilson Compton, Director of NIDA's Division of Epidemiology, Services, and Prevention Research (DESPR) welcomed participants to this meeting.

State principal investigators (PIs) and research project directors (PDs) provided brief progress reports on their studies, followed by an open forum to discuss lessons learned so far from the program. Participants found that:

  • Partnerships between the State and researchers can be productive and the State grantee mechanism substantially facilitated these partnerships.
  • Early inclusion of prevention program providers and treatment clinicians in the research process is essential to the feasibility, quality, and practical relevance of the project.
  • The IRB/informed consent process is complex and will take time. Multiple IRBs and multiple consent forms may be required, although there are ways to streamline the process.
  • Turnover in staff and facilities is a reality that needs to be accounted for in research resources requests and timelines, and dealt with in research designs and estimation methods.

There were two plenary sessions. Kenneth D. Stark, M.Ed., MBA, presented how he has successfully used research and data to influence policy and practice in Washington State. Dr. Constance Horgan presented a review of the research literature on the effects of purchasing mechanisms designed to promote quality in the broader health care and other sectors.

Sessions were held on three topics: Financing evidence-based practices, pay for performance, and pre-planning for sustainability of evidence-based programs. In each case prevention and treatment researchers presented the relevant research in their respective fields and provided their ideas for future research. These ideas were discussed first by Single State Agency prevention and treatment representatives and then by the entire group.

Finally, State representatives and associated researchers presented concepts for future research and received feedback on their ideas, possible designs, and existing research in their topic areas.

Brief Description of Resulting Publications:

None planned


Wilson Compton, Director, NIDA Division of Epidemiology, Services, & Prevention Research
Redonna Chandler, Chief, NIDA Services Research Branch
Sarah Duffy, program official, NIDA Services Research Branch
Tom Hilton, program official NIDA Services Research Branch
Elizabeth Robertson, Chief, NIDA Prevention Research Branch
Belinda Sims, program official NIDA Prevention Research Branch
Aleta Meyer, program official NIDA Prevention Research Branch
Augie Diana, program official NIDA Prevention Research Branch
Linda Fulton, SAMHSA
Suzanne Le Menestral, US Department of Agriculture
Caroline Crocoll, US Department of Agriculture
Johsua Martin - PI, Texas
Dick Spence - PD, Texas
Frank McCorry - PI, New York
Susan Brandau - PD, New York
Jack Kemp - PI, Delaware
Deni Carise - PD, Delaware
Linda Frisman - PI, Connecticut
Wendy Ulaszek - PD, Connecticut
Linda Becker - PI, Washington
Laura Hill - PD, Washington
Flo Stein - PI, North Carolina
Wei Li Fang - PD, North Carolina
Bill Rusinko, Maryland
Douglas Young - PD, Maryland
John Ernst, New York
Don Maestas, New Mexico
Jennifer Morone, New York
Lauren Siembab, Connecticut
Connie Smith, Kentucky
Brian Bumbarger, Pennsylvania State University
Connie Horgan, Brandeis University
Phyllis Panzano, Decision Support Services, Inc.
Jody Sindelar, Yale
Jayme Delano, University of Maryland

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