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National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health

"Behavioral Therapy Development and Psychological Science: Part II"

September 18-19, 1997

Lisa Simon Onken, Ph.D.


The workshop, "Behavioral Therapy Development and Psychological Science: Part II," was held on September 18 and 19. The purpose of the workshop was to enrich NIDA's behavioral therapy development efforts by strengthening the connection between behavioral therapy development and more basic behavioral science. Six behavioral scientists were asked to present their research. Each presentation was followed by a discussion of how the research might be applicable to behavioral therapy. These discussions were led by behavioral therapy researchers. The following research was presented and discussed:

Action Plan:

  1. Edit the papers presented at this meeting for publication in the journal Behavior Therapy. The papers from the prior workshop were published in Psychological Science, in an attempt to reach many basic behavioral scientists and to encourage their collaboration with behavioral therapy researchers. Publication in Behavior Therapy will help to reach clinicians and clinical scientists with a similar message- encouraging the collaboration of behavior therapy researchers with basic behavioral scientists when developing new therapies.

  2. Encourage new Stage 1 proposals to link therapy development with basic behavioral science. Because of the barriers inherent in integrating basic behavioral research findings into behavioral therapy development research, consider releasing an RFA to stimulate innovative therapy development efforts, as encouraged by the Treatment Initiative Council Subcommittee.

  3. Begin planning the third of three meetings linking behavioral therapy development and basic behavioral science. This will help to reinforce the message that the linkage of behavioral therapy development to basic behavioral science is of continuing interest to NIDA.

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