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Mars Science Laboratory
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Powered Descent
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The use of powered descent creates a robust and efficient touchdown system.

Unlike any of NASA's earlier rover missions, Mars Science Laboratory will be powered down to the surface of Mars, instead of being delivered by way of airbags. After the parachute has significantly slowed the vehicle and the heatshield (that protected it from intense friction during atmospheric entry) is discarded, the descent stage will begin to ease the spacecraft to the surface. Reverse rockets will stabilize the vehicle, protecting it from any horizontal winds. As Spirit and Opportunity were lowered via tether, Mars Science Laboratory too will be lowered, but with a trio of tethers and an electrical "umbilical cord."

Completely unlike its predecessors, Mars Science Laboratory will be "ready to rove" upon landing. While the Mars Exploration Rovers had to wait for their lander petals to "blossom," Mars Science Laboratory will shed its cocoon on the way to the surface. Mars Science Laboratory's mobility system - the wheels and suspension - will be released while the rover is headed to the martian surface.