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Mars Science Laboratory
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Body | Brains | Eyes and Other Senses | Arm | Wheels and Legs | Energy | Communications

In some sense, the Mars Science Laboratory rover's parts will be similar to what any living creature would need to keep it "alive" and able to explore.

The rover will have a:

  • body: a structure that protects the roversĀ“ "vital organs"

  • brains: computers to process information

  • temperature controls: internal heaters, a layer of insulation, and more

  • "neck and head": a mast for the cameras to give the rover a human-scale view

  • eyes and other "senses": cameras and instruments that give the rover information about its environment

  • arm: a way to extend its reach

  • wheels and "legs": parts for mobility

  • energy: batteries and power

  • communications: antennas for "speaking" and "listening"