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Neuroscience Consortium - Sponsored Activities

Previous “Frontiers in Addiction” Mini-Conventions

Frontiers 2008 Symposia: “Epigenetics and Brain Function” [Frances Champagne, Courtney Miller, Schahram Akbarian, Eric Nestler]; “Multilevel Multimodal Imaging of Gene Expression, Cells, Neurons, and Circuitry” [Karl Deisseroth, Mark Schnitzer, Mirjana Maletic-Savatic, Christina Liu]; “Willpower: What Really Governs Our Choices” [Patrick Haggard, Brian Knutson, Paul Glimcher, Alan Sanfey]; “Cortical Development and Substance Abuse” [Takao Hensch, Pradeep Bhide, Amelia Eisch, Pasko Rakic].

Frontiers 2007 Symposia: “Neuronal Adaptations and Counteradaptations” [Robert Malenka, Judson Chandler, Lorna Role]; “Heteromerization of G-Protein Coupled Receptors” [Rafael Franco, Susan George, Lakshmi Devi, Sergi Ferre]; “Glial Cells and Addiction” [Linda Watkins, Phillip Haydon, Monica Carson, Ben Barres]; “Henri Begleiter Memorial Symposium” [Ken Kendler, Bernice Porjesz, David Goldman].

Frontiers 2006 Symposia: “Roles of Hypothalamic Peptides in Addiction and Obesity” [Scott Sternson, Luis de Lecea, Gary Aston-Jones, Stephanie Borgland]; “Social Neuroscience – Applications to Addiction” [Huda Akil, Michael Nader, Read Montague, Kevin Ochsner]; “Recent results from Genome-Wide Scans for Addiction and Other Brain Diseases” [George Uhl, Dennis Ballinger, Laura Bierut, John Rice]; Molecular Mechanisms of Synapse Formation: Adhesion Molecules” [Peter Scheiffele, Thomas Biederer, Shernaz Bamji, Kang Shen].

Frontiers 2005 Symposia: “Addiction and Obesity –Brain System Commonalities” [Daniele Piomelli, Ann Kelley, Edmund Rolls, Nora Volkow]; “Neurobiological Basis for Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness” [Sherry Leonard, Andrew Chambers, Jean King, Robin Murray]; “mGluR: A Substrate in the Neurobiology of Addiction” [Paul Kenny, Karen Szumlinski, Carl Lupica]; “Reconsolidation of memory: A New Approach to Treat drug Addiction?” [Karim Nader, Christina Alberini, Barry Everitt, Barbara Sorg]; “Adolescent Drug Abuse: Brain Development, Cognition, and Vulnerability” [Pier Piazza, Linda Spear, Beatriz Luna, Judith Rapoport].

Frontiers 2004 Symposia: “Behavioral Neuroscience of Nicotine Addiction” [Nadia Chaudhri, Yu-Shin Ding, Steven Laviolette, Athina Markou, Christian Heidbreder]; “Creative Directions in Imaging” [Susan Andersen, Maryann Martone, Helene Benveniste, Mark Schnitzer]; “Mechanisms of Brain Resiliency and Repair” [Valina Dawson, Ole Isaacson, Bryan Kolb, Catherine Woolley]; “The Role of Glutamate in Drug Addiction” [Susan Sesack, Antonello Bonci, David Self, Yavin Shaham, Marc Caron, Peter Kalivas].

Frontiers 2003 Symposia: “Endocannabinoids in the Brain” [Steven Goldberg, Bradley Alger, Allyn Howlett, Benjamin Cravatt, Daniele Piomelli]; “Mechanisms of Receptor and Transporter Trafficking” [Aurelio Galli, Jennifer Whistler, Ingo Greger, Julius Zhu]; “Embryogenesis of Reward-Based Behavior” [Oscar Marin, Su Guo, Renping Zhou, Pradeep Bhide]; “Signal Transduction Mechanisms in Drug Abuse and Addiction” [Laura Bohn, Theodore Wensel, Brigitte Kieffer, James Bibb]; “Neurobiological Basis of Impulsivity” [John Evenden, Harriet de Wit, Gerald Moeller, William Iacono]; “Neurobiological Mechanisms of Drug and Natural Reward” [Randy Seeley, Regina Carelli, Brian Knutson, Jaak Panksepp, Jon Horvitz]; “Structure, Function, and Regulation of the Dopamine Transporter” [Jonathan Javitch, Gonzalo Torres, Susan Ingram, Randy Blakely].

Frontiers 2002 Symposia: “Proteomics and Mass Spectroscopy in Neuroscience” [Seth Grant, Vivian Hook, Lloyd Fricker, Richard Caprioli, Ariel Deutch, Amina Woods]; “Mechanisms of Reward and Implications for Addiction” [Marc Caron, Wolfram Schultz, Gregory Berns, Read Montague, Jonathan Cohen]; “Systems Neurobiology of Drug Abuse” [Ann Kelley, Marina Wolf, Toni Shippenberg, Rafael Maldonado, Friedbert Weiss, Marina Picciotto]; “Neuropeptides: A Role in Drug Abuse” [Yasmin Hurd, George Koob, Scott Zahm, William Rostene, Stephen Hunt]; “Synaptic Change and Addiction” [Terry Robinson, Angus Nairn, Holly Cline, Morgan Sheng, Oswald Steward, Kausik Si, Eric Nestler, Kristen Harris].

Society for Neuroscience Jacob P. Waletsky Memorial Award

Established in 2003, the annual Society for Neuroscience Jacob P. Waletsky Memorial Award for Innovative Research in Drug Addiction and Alcoholism recognizes the research contributions made by outstanding junior scientists in the area of drug addiction or alcoholism, and the nervous system. Awardees must have received an advanced degree M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent) within the past 15 years.  Recipients of this award include:

  • Pier Vincenzo Piazza (2003)
  • Antonello Bonci (2004)
  • William Carlezon (2005)
  • Yavin Shaham (2006)
  • Marina Picciotto (2007)

Cutting Edge Seminar Series

The NIDA Neuroscience Consortium supports a “Cutting Edge” Seminar Series for the dissemination of new and innovative research of interest to the drug addiction and neuroscience research fields. Seminar topics address emerging areas of research or highlight leading advances in technology development. “Cutting Edge” seminars are open to the public.

Cutting Edge Seminars in 2008:

  • Groundbreaking Optical Technologies: Unprecedented Opportunities for Biomedical Research – March 20, 2008
  • Nicotine and Neuroplasticity – May 28, 2008
  • New Directions in Smoking Cue Reactivity and Cue-Exposure Research – September 18, 2008

Future Cutting Edge Seminars:

  • “Nicotine and Neuroprotection”
  • “Nicotine and Neuropeptides”

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