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Press Releases

For Immediate Release:
September 10, 2007
Contact: Austin Durrer

Statement on Gen. Petraeus, Crocker Report to Congress

Washington, D.C., September 10th – Congressman Jim Moran, Virginia Democrat, released the following statement regarding today’s progress reports on Iraq being issued by General David Petraeus, top U.S. Commander in Iraq and Ryan Crocker, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq. Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker delivered the reports verbally to a joint session of the House Armed Services and House Foreign Affairs Committees.
“Gen. Petraeus states that the surge has been a success because overall violence is down in Iraq.  June, July and August 2007, however, marked the bloodiest summer yet for U.S. troops in Iraq with 264 American soldiers killed. Civilian deaths are also on the rise having increased from 1,760 in July to 1,809 in August.
“Our troops have performed exceptionally well in Iraq. They have done what has been asked of them by their superiors, displaying why they are the best in the world. I am afraid however, that despite their valiant efforts, the end result will be a Shiite theocracy, aligned with Iran and equally oppressive of women’s rights and human rights. Baghdad, for example, a city of six and one half million which was the headquarters for the Sunni-led government, has gone from roughly 65 percent Sunni to over 75 percent Shia. In other words, it would appear nearly two million Sunnis have been either displaced from their homes or killed. Iraq is fracturing rather than unifying.
“According to President Bush, the point of the surge was to create the breathing room necessary for political reconciliation. That reconciliation has not taken place and, in fact, the political environment may be worse today than it was before the surge began. Therefore, the surge has failed to achieve its objective and must be defined as a failure.
“Iraq is not worthy of our soldiers sacrifice. We must set a date for withdrawal so that the Iraqis will take responsibility for their own country. Our military mission is complete and our presence is only putting our troops at further risk.”    
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