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Small Business

Small business is the engine that drives the U.S. economy. Small businesses represent 95% of all employers, create half of the nation's GDP, and are responsible for creating three out of every four new jobs. With over 2,200 small companies in Northern Virginia's 8th Congressional District, Congressman Moran strives to ensure that small business owners are given the tools they need to succeed.

Over the years, Congressman Moran has been an advocate for increased funding to Small Business Administration programs. He has also consistently supported legislation that would allow small businesses to participate in Association Health Plans or AHPs. AHPs make health insurance more affordable for small businesses by allowing different companies to join together to purchase plans.

In the 111th Congress, Congressman Moran will continue to ensure that Small Business Administration programs such as the 7(a) loan program which provides loans to small businesses that otherwise would be ineligible for loan assistance, continues to be fully funded. Congressman Moran is always looking to expand new opportunities to minority and women-owned small by increasing funding for Small Business Development Centers and Women's Business Centers and supporting access to government contracts.

Recently, Congressman Moran was successful in getting the SBA to open a Small Business Resource Center in Arlington County. Due to the Base Realignment and Closure Commission's (BRAC) decision to move thousands of military jobs out of Arlington, many businesses in the County are in need of assistance to navigate the economic transition this job displacement will bring. The new SBA Resource Center will provide free, expert advice and consulting to small firms located in Northern Virginia.

In addition to legislative actions, the Congressman supports Northern Virginia's small businesses by hosting a Procurement Conference each year to help companies contract with the federal government, the region's number one employer. Congressman Moran also recently established an 8th District Small Business Advisory Committee to keep him regularly informed regarding the needs of small business in Northern Virginia.


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