DNA Backlog Reduction: Preventable Crimes

Example from Massachusetts

DNA technology is evolving rapidly and many states are considering whether to expand DNA databases or invest in DNA casework investigations. In order to inform the discussion of these issues, NIJ commissioned an independent study to ascertain the size of and reasons for the nation's backlog of DNA evidence. The resulting report included the list of cases presented here. This list of cases is not exhaustive, does not identify the perpetrator or victim, and is not a reflection on the criminal justice agencies involved. These cases would remain unsolved if not for extraordinary detective work by dedicated criminal justice professionals in these agencies.

Case studies presented on this site are from an NIJ-funded independent study. Points of view or opinions in the resulting report are those of the authors and do not represent the official position or policies of the United States Department of Justice.


In late 1997, a woman was found raped and murdered in her home in Springfield. In early 1998, another three women were found raped and murdered—one in her home, two others in alley ways. All four murders were linked through DNA, and due to the unique positioning of the bodies which became the offender's "signature."

Following the fourth murder, a voluntary DNA sample was collected from a person who had become a suspect in the case. Within a few weeks, that suspect was tied through a DNA match to the crimes.

Preventable Crime: The suspect's criminal record included two prior felony convictions in 1996—one for larceny and the other for breaking and entering, for which he was sentenced to community supervision. If Massachusetts had required a DNA sample for either of the 1996 non-violent felony convictions, a DNA match could have been obtained after the first rape/murder, thereby preventing the subsequent three rape/murders.

NIJ Funded Study

The cases are from National Forensic DNA Study Report and were developed using basic assumptions. For a full discussion on the review methodology that led to the conclusions presented here, see Section VI. "Forensic DNA and Crime Prevention." The report and case studies were prepared by Smith Alling Lane in partnership with Washington State University through the support of a grant awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (Grant 2002-LT-BX-K 003). Points of view or opinions in this report are those of the authors and do not represent the official position or policies of the United States Department of Justice.

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