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Congressman Moran continues to actively participate in the fight to stop the genocide in Darfur and to bring to justice those responsible for the atrocities.  He looks forward to having Congress work with the new Administration to make U.S. actions more effective in ending the widespread abuses in the war-torn region. 

A member of the Sudan Caucus and the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, Jim has cosponsored every piece of major legislation seeking to end the humanitarian crisis in Darfur.  Congressman Moran was an original cosponsor of two comprehensive bills, the "Darfur Peace and Accountability Act" and the "Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act," and he has pressed for more than $1 billion in funding to address the humanitarian needs there.    

During the most recent session of Congress, he cosponsored and pressed for unanimous adoption in May 2008 of House Resolution 1011, which called on the U.S. Government to promptly develop, fund and implement a comprehensive strategy to protect civilians, facilitate humanitarian operations, and reduce violence in Darfur, as well as Chad and the Central African Republic.  In July 2008, he cosponsored House Resolution 1290, which pressed for the U.S. Government, international organizations, and aid groups to deliver humanitarian relief to more than 2 million people displaced by the genocide. 

Congressman Moran has undertaken a wide variety of actions to pressure the Sudanese Government to end the violence.  In April 2006, he joined with several other colleagues to protest at the Sudanese Embassy.  They were arrested, and press coverage of the event sent a loud and clear message to the Sudanese Government that their actions were being watched closely.  The Congressman also spoke at a Save Darfur Coalition rally of more than 10,000 people at the Capitol. 

He continues to speak out on Darfur -- on the House floor, in briefings with other Members, and in nationally televised interviews.  He strongly urges the Administration and the international community to take firm action to stop the violence.  The Congressman believes that U.S. leadership is needed to press for an end to the genocide, and he will continue to speak out against the atrocities and to press for humanitarian assistance for those victimized by the violence. 

Latest News On Darfur

October 29, 2007
House Approves Moran Resolution Commending Darfur Activism


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