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Grantee Communications Kit

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Grant Recipients - Grantee Communication Kit

Ten Ways to Make the Most of Your Award

1. Alert all the news media.

2. Share your success with your visitors.

3. Send a letter of congratulations to your board, members, friends, and all in the community who support your institution.

4. Hang a banner to celebrate your accomplishment.

5. Write a feature story about this award for your newsletter, annual report, or your Web site. Be sure to add a link back to our Web site for users to learn more about the award (

6. Notify your staff about this award and congratulate them.

7. Design a commemorative poster for display in your lobby.

8. Host a reception or open house for the community to learn about your programs and services and to help celebrate your award.

9. Use the occasion of your award to write an editorial to highlight your service to the community.

10. Send copies of press clips about the award to the Institute of Museum and Library Services and send us photographs and stories about how you have benefited from the grant so that we can help share your story.

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