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Reports & Publications

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Management and Research Applications of Long-Range Surveillance Radar Data for Birds, Bats, and Flying Insects

This publication is intended to provide a summary of long-range surveillance radar technology and applications of these data to questions about movement patterns of birds and other flying wildlife based on publications that provide more detailed information (Buurma, 1995; Gauthreaux and Belser, 2003a, b; Gauthreaux and others, 2003; Diehl and More...

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North American Bird Phenology Program

The North American Bird Phenology Program houses a unique and largely forgotten collection of six million Migration Observer Cards that illuminate migration patterns and population status of birds in North America. These handwritten cards contain almost all of what was known of bird status from the Second World War back to the later part of the More...

  • North American Bird Phenology Program logo

Conservation Genetics Lab

The Conservation Genetics Lab carries out molecular analysis, pedigree analysis, modeling, data management, and cryogenic sample repository. As a part of this research, the lab investigates the effectiveness of molecular markers used to enhance enforcement of the Endangered Species Act policy. During the past 15 years, this research has involved More...

  • image of a frog (anura)

Conservation Genetics: Birds

This web page offers samples of genetics and genomics research from the USGS Biological Resources Discipline about the conservation genetics of birds.

  • Broad-tailed Hummingbird female (Selasphorus platycerus)

Alaska Off-road Breeding Bird Survey: Database of Bird Distribution

This site links to a database of bird distribution which looks at patterns in the numbers of birds detected among Alaska Off-road Breeding Bird Survey routes. The database can be searched in two different ways: by area, and by species. To find out more about the data contained in the database of bird distribution, take a look at the metadata page, More...

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Alaska Science Center - Avian Influenza Research

This web resource provides information concerning the on-going Research at the USGS Alaska Science Center on birds and avian influenza (bird flu). The site links to quick facts, on-going research, workshop results, monitoring and surveillance, guidelines on how to safeguard against avian influenza, publications and reports, migratory bird More...

  • Bar-tailed Godwits Roosting

Potential Environmental Contaminant Risks to Avian Species at Important Bird Areas in the Northeastern United States

From the abstract: Environmental contaminants can have profound effects on birds, acting from the molecular through population levels of biological organization. An analysis of potential contaminant threats was undertaken at 52 Important Bird Areas (IBAs) within the northeastern Atlantic coast drainage. Using geographic information system More...

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Epidemiology of Fish and Wildlife Diseases: Birds

This web page present samples of genetics and genomics research from the USGS Biological Resources Discipline about the epidemiology of avian diseases.

  • A female Northern Pintail marked with a solar-powered satellite transmitter.