• Have any of your IT projects lost money because of inaccurate budgeting or client changes to project scope? This course will help you eliminate budgeting problems by providing you with techniques to manage project costs.
  • As a project manager for IT projects, do you find you are managing more than one project at a time? Multi-project environments are becoming increasingly common.
  • Have you ever worked on a project where many assignments were over budget? Are you looking for new ways to motivate and inspire your project team? This course will provide you with leadership skills and techniques to provide legitimate motivation to your
  • Have you ever managed an IT project that failed to make a delivery date? Have you ever created a work schedule where the due dates for project completion were way off the mark? One way to solve these common problems is to develop accurate work estimates
  • Are you looking to enhance your project management skills? Are you looking for new approaches to better manage IT projects? As you proceed through this course, you will learn new procedures and techniques that will improve your project management skills.
  • Have you ever been involved in information technology (IT) projects where the client was disappointed with the deliverable? Are you looking for new approaches and strategies to help you better plan for your next IT project? As you proceed through this