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RXTE Mission Extended Through Sept. 2010

May 12, 2009

The RXTE team is delighted to announce that the RXTE mission has been extended for another year (Oct. 2009 - Sept. 2010). An opportunity to propose for new observations will be announced later this year. A schedule and proposal guidelines will be provided soon on the RXTE Web site and via the "xtenews" mailing list.

The RXTE team would like to thank the user community for their continued interest and support of RXTE. If you would like to give any feedback concerning the way cycle 13 has worked, please email the chair of the User's Group, John Tomsick.

Timing Error Fixed in January 2006 data

January 16, 2009

Users of RXTE data should be aware of a one second timing error that was recently fixed in archival data from 01-12 January 2006, inclusive. Observations from that time range had an incorrect value for the TIMEZERO keyword (incorrect value 2.37842941), which has now been corrected to TIMEZERO=3.37842941. RXTE users following standard timing recipes with the old data would have experienced a one second time offset error. There are a number of pulsar observations in this time range which would be most vulnerable to such an error. All RXTE users are advised to re-download the data from this time range from the archive. When using the corrected files, the offset error should be resolved. The problem was due to leap second transition issues in 2006, which were anticipated during the more recent transition in 2008-2009.

RXTE Discovers Pulsations of New SGR

June 10, 2009

RXTE researcher Ersin Gogus and collaborators have found the spin period of the newly discovered SGR. For details, see their GCN circular:

Previous RXTE News Items

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This page is maintained by the RXTE GOF and was last modified on Wednesday, 10-Jun-2009 17:18:35 EDT.

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