U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
Press Releases
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Chairman Stevens Applauds Administration for New CAFÉ Standards for Light Trucks
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) today issued the following statement upon the Administration’s announcement of a new rulemaking establishing higher CAFÉ standards for model year 2008-2011 pickup trucks and sports utility vehicles (SUVs):

“The Administration's fuel economy rule for pickup trucks and SUVs is a positive step forward as our nation strives for energy independence. This rule is consistent with the President's desire to relieve U.S. dependence on foreign oil, a key element in the global war on terror. Consumers also will spend millions of dollars less at the pump each year once these standards are fully in place, with an estimated savings of 10.7 billion gallons of fuel over the lifetime of vehicles produced during these model years. I applaud the Administration for its initiative and leadership on this important issue.”

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August 2009 Press Releases  « July | September »   « 2008 | 2010 » 
7th -  Chairman Rockefeller Applauds the Senate's Confirmation of Nominees
7th -  Chairman Rockefeller on "Cash for Clunkers"
6th -  Hearing Summary: Waste, Fraud and Abuse in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
6th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Waste, Fraud and Abuse in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
6th -  Hearing Summary - Aviation Safety: The Relationship Between Network and Regional Airlines
6th -  Hutchison: FAA Must Stay Vigilant
6th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Aviation Safety: The Relationship Between Network Airlines and Regional Airlines
5th -  Executive Session: Committee Legislation Summary
5th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Today's Executive Session
5th -  Hearing Summary: Nominations Hearing
5th -  Chairman Rockefeller Questions Health Insurance Execs on Harmful "Purging" Practices Used Against Small Businesses Throughout America
5th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Today's Nominations Hearing
5th -  Committee Approves Hutchison Bill to Jam Illegal Prison Cell Phones