DBTAC-Great Plains ADA Center-Your one-stop resource for information on the Americans with Disabilities Act-1-800-949-4232


Network of ADA Centers
National Initiatives

woman who uses a wheelchair working on a computer

Welcome to the ADA Center website.

We provide technical assistance, training, and materials on all areas of the Americans with Disabilities Act and related disability laws to individuals and entities of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

If you need technical assistance on ADA related issues, Call 1-800-949-4232 to talk to one of our technical assistance specialists ...or submit your question on-line

2009 ADA Symposium
Hand-Outs are Available for Purchase!

The hand-outs are in electronic format, loaded onto a flash drive, and can be purchased for $100.00. If you would like to purchase a flash drive, contact Lisa Hamburg at hamburgl@missouri.edu

Participate in a Research Study.
Are you living with a disability?
Are you employed? If YES: You may be eligible to participate in a research study conducted by Washington University.
For more information visit: www.communitychange.info

Sign Up for the ADA Report.
Receive e-bulletins that keep you informed of the latest news, resources, and events related to the ADA. Send your request to be put on our e-list to ada@missouri.edu

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    DBTAC-Great Plains ADA Center Logo
    The DBTAC-Great Plains ADA Center is authorized by the National Institute on Disability& Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) to provide technical assistance, training and materials dissemination related to the Americans with Disabilities Act to the Great Plains Region. This site follows Section 508 guidelines for web accessibility. If you have any questions or comments about the accessibility of the site, please email ada@missouri.edu.