U.S. Senator James Inhofe
United States Senator, Oklahoma
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Video Uses Humor to Highlight Senate Inaction That Defies American Majority

Contacts: Jared Young 202-224-5762
Kathryn Heisten 202-224-1282

August 6, 2009


WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Senate is about to take a month long recess without addressing an important national security issue.  While the Democrat lead Senate found time during the last week of business to deal with Cash for Clunkers, it failed to take any action to keep terrorist detainees out of the United States and the military-run detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GITMO) open. 

A new digital short, S.370 - Denied by Democrats, released today by U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) uses humor to draw attention to this very serious issue.  The video highlights how Senate Democrats continue to deny Inhofe's legislative efforts, through both amendments and stand-alone legislation, to permanently keep the facility open and terrorist detainees out of the United States. 

"Over the last several days, the Obama administration has floated plans to relocate these terrorist detainees to places like Kansas and Michigan," Inhofe said.  "More recently, we have learned of plans to send 9/11 co-conspirators to be tried just outside the nation's capital in Alexandria, Virginia.  The American people have clearly spoken, and this is not what they want.  Despite this, President Obama and the Democrats are still obsessed with closing GITMO."

"Instead of dealing with this national security issue, the Senate has been distracted by all the talk about Cash for Clunkers and the bogged down health care reform bill.  I have made several efforts to bring legislation to the Senate that would keep GITMO open and deal with this issue once and for all.  The fact that the Democrats continue to block my efforts defies the outspoken desire of a majority of Americans.  I will continue fighting to represent these voices pursuing every available opportunity that permanently keeps the facility open and closes the door to terrorist transfers."

Democrats objected to Inhofe's request to attach his GITMO amendment, S.Amdt.1559, to the Defense Authorization bill. Despite this denial, Inhofe has continued efforts to have the Senate consider his GITMO bill, S.370. Democrats blocked these subsequent attempts as well.

Prior to his attempts to bring the legislation up for a vote, Inhofe launched a petition on his website inviting Americans to voice their desires to see GITMO stay open and to keep detainees out of the U.S. Tens-of-thousands of signatures later, Inhofe continues working on behalf of these voices regardless of the Democrats' objections.

Obama to Transfer 9/11 Conspirators to Alexandria, VA

Terrorist Detainees Coming to Kansas and Michigan?

Inhofe Petition to Stop Terrorist Detainee Transfers

Inhofe's GITMO Legislation

August 2009 Press Releases

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