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Updated 20 January 2007

CCTP Strategic Plan, Final Report, Cover

U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan
September 2006




Figure 3-19. Cumulative Contributions between 2000 and 2100 to the Reduction, Avoidance, Capture and Sequestration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Three Advanced Technology Scenarios, Under Varying Carbon Constraints

Cumulative Contributions between 2000 and 2100 to the Reduction, Avoidance, Capture and Sequestration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Three Advanced Technology Scenarios, Under Varying Carbon Constraints

Cumulative Contributions Between 2000 and 2100 to the Reduction, Avoidance, Capture, and Sequestration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the Three Advanced Technology Scenarios, Under Varying Carbon Constraints

Note: The thick bars show the contribution in the high emission reduction case and the thinner bars show the variation in the contribution between the very high emission reduction case and the low emission reduction case.


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